Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Top Ten - things I will miss

1. The water - always manage to forget how beautiful the water makes my hair.
2. The malls - what a shopping exprience! Never ever experienced anything like it. Lucky fo my wallet (and my green values), the best malls in the world are located on the other side of the globe.
3. March summer weather - tell me again why I had to suffer with 33 degrees in February when we on the day of departure have the perfect weather of 27 degrees? March is simply the best in Stgo!
4. Metro of Stgo - Que maravilla! The metro in Helsinki has no added value - one line, one kilometer under the ground. It takes longer to make it down to the train than to walk to the destination. In Stgo you escape all the traffic jam above ground and travel happily extensively in this 7 million metrolpolis. I say as my daughter: bye bye metro, hasta la vista baby!
5. The wine - goes without saying, right?
6. Los tatas - A mother-in-law that learns to cook porridge and father-in-law that is the absolute idol of my little-one. I say as my son: "Tata, Tata, Tata"...
7.  Los amigos - my friends, always happy and "buena honda", we will meet again!
8. The restaurants - what a culinary experience! Las machas a la parmesana, pebre, la carne asada, la ensalada mixta, la palta....
9. Las telenovelas - my mother-in-law got us (note "us", hubby even more than me) hooked on two soap operas. There is nothing like the TVN crew of soap actors (Pelluco from Amores de Mercado still on the telly here!)
10. La Biblioteca de Santiago - that collection of children´s books in Spanish, and all the unexplored books in the section of History of Chile.... I will just have to return for a day on my own in that beautiful airconditioned builiding on the street of Matucana....

Five years ago, I could have made a similar list (or even longer)  of things I will not miss... Now I have experienced a second honeymoon in this marvellous country. I cannot come to think of even one thing I will not miss. But so am I also once again the "Gringa" just passing by for a while, without having to deal with Isapres, AFP:s, banks, Notarias... Viva Chile lindo!


Softy said...

Välkommen hem i alla fall! :)

Mia said...

Tack Sofi. Hur lyckas du kommentera? Alla andra tycks ha problem...

Softy said...

jag skrev min kommentar och tryckte på sänd! :)