Jag kom just på ett nytt ord: bloggmorkkis. Då man gått och skrivit på bloggen om något och man senare ångrar sig. Känslan kan vara lika stark som efter en kväll ute på stan, då man gjort eller sagt dumheter, oftast under alkoholens förbannelse.
Sådan morkkis hade jag. Alltså inte festarmorkkis, utan bloggmorkkis. Efter att ha gått starkt ut och kritiserat resensionen av Krakel Spektakel fick jag den känslan. Inte för mina åsikter. De står jag för. Men för att ha gått ut så starkt emot resensentens åsikter. Jag använder aldrig grova svordomar i text, tycker det blir för vulgärt. Men det gjorde jag den gången. Gick sen in och ändrade på stilen liten - för att dämpa morkkisen lite grann. Det kändes bättre.
Men ännu bättre kändes det nog idag, när HBL äntligen publicerade en insändare av en person som reagerat på samma sak som jag. Min morkkis var som bortblåst. För visst hade jag tolkat pjäsen på rätt sätt. Och visst var språket (som jag fortfarande tycker att var bra!) bara en del av många. Det var också skönt att se att resensenten inte hade mycket att komma med i sitt försvar. Hennes svar-på-tal var mycket skralt. Helst skulle jag ju ha sett att hon erkände att hon varit snäv i sina kommentarer. Men det är en orealistisk önskan. Så jag nöjer mig med att insändaren var toppen och svaret var uselt. Heja Krakel! Hoppas ni får mycket publik i höst!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Det här med att vara eller inte vara...hemmafru.
Blir varje gång lika förgrymmad när jämställdhetsdebatten blossar upp på insändarsidorna. Enkelspåriga och repetitiva. Svarta och vita. Att vara eller inte vara hemma med barnen, hemmafru, hemmamamma.
Fru Mikkonen på finska sidan och fru Hannus på den svenska använder sin lediga tid till att svartmåla alla de mammor som valt annorlunda än de. De förespråkar ett ideal där mamman ger upp alla sina yrkesambitioner, mannen bär hem brödet och barnen får en harmonisk och idyllisk uppfostran i hemmet, långt från alla onda krafter som finns utanför hemmets fyra väggar. Som om världen skulle vara så svartvit.
Själv tycker jag att det sätt som saken diskuteras på insändarsidorna är absurt. Jag har skötts utanför hemmet från tidig ålder. Förstår inte hur jag tagit skada av det. Tvärtom; dagarna i barnträdgården och hos dagmamma har gett mig vägkost för livet. För vad är det för fel på att barnen sköts dagtid av någon annan än mamman (eller pappan) om den som sköter barnet erbjuder all den trygghet och närhet som ett litet barn behöver?
Jag kan förstå att alla är vi olika och alla väljer vi enligt vår egen övertygelse. Men varför måste dessa övertygelser prompt prackas på alla andra som väljer annorlunda? Skulle det inte vara mer konstruktivt att diskutera samhällets (arbetsmarknadens) till det yttre så jämlika struktur men som under ytan genom sina attityder varken tillåter hemmapappor eller flexjobb, eller alternativa lösningar till de institutionaliserade dagvårdsplatserna.
Jag tycker inte att man som akademiskt högt utbildad ambitiös kvinna ska behöva känna sig stigmatiserad för att man väljer att gå tidigt tillbaka på jobb. Inte ska heller en kvinna, vare sig hon är högt utbildad eller inte, känna sig utbuad för att hon vill satsa på hemmet när barnen är små. I jämlikhetens namn borde samma gälla för män men i verkligheten har vi en lång väg att vandra för att det ska bli sant, åtminstone inom vissa yrkesområden.
Själv kommenterade jag under veckoslutet ett inlägg at Alfamamman Peppe på hennes blogg på HBL:s sidor. Hon undrade hur småbarnsföräldrar orkar (kolla här: Alfamamman). Och det är ju just det vi borde diskutera för det är nog det som är det riktigt relevanta när det kommer till kritan. Hur orkar vi, med sömnlösa nätter, med krävande fulltids jobb (må det vara hemjobbet eller kontorsjobbet), och med barn som prövar våra gränser, och far/mor föräldrar som bor på annan ort? För mig handlar det inte bara om barnens grundtrygghet. Jag är övertygad om att också andra vuxna hängivna personer kan sköta den uppgiften minst lika bra som jag under några timmar av dygnet. Nej, för mig handlar det om hela paketet: hur ro i land med allt, utan att bli utbränd på köpet. Och handen på hjärtat från denna ambitiösa jämställdhetsmorsa: det är attans mycket lättare att orka när man väljer att vara hemma. På bekostnad av jämställdheten. Men jag godkänner inte att det är så vi ska ha det. Istället efterlyser jag en mer mångfasetterad debatt; framförallt efterlyser jag mera alternativ till hur man kombinerar familj, arbetsliv och eget välmående!
Because I still think you can have it all...
Fru Mikkonen på finska sidan och fru Hannus på den svenska använder sin lediga tid till att svartmåla alla de mammor som valt annorlunda än de. De förespråkar ett ideal där mamman ger upp alla sina yrkesambitioner, mannen bär hem brödet och barnen får en harmonisk och idyllisk uppfostran i hemmet, långt från alla onda krafter som finns utanför hemmets fyra väggar. Som om världen skulle vara så svartvit.
Själv tycker jag att det sätt som saken diskuteras på insändarsidorna är absurt. Jag har skötts utanför hemmet från tidig ålder. Förstår inte hur jag tagit skada av det. Tvärtom; dagarna i barnträdgården och hos dagmamma har gett mig vägkost för livet. För vad är det för fel på att barnen sköts dagtid av någon annan än mamman (eller pappan) om den som sköter barnet erbjuder all den trygghet och närhet som ett litet barn behöver?
Jag kan förstå att alla är vi olika och alla väljer vi enligt vår egen övertygelse. Men varför måste dessa övertygelser prompt prackas på alla andra som väljer annorlunda? Skulle det inte vara mer konstruktivt att diskutera samhällets (arbetsmarknadens) till det yttre så jämlika struktur men som under ytan genom sina attityder varken tillåter hemmapappor eller flexjobb, eller alternativa lösningar till de institutionaliserade dagvårdsplatserna.
Jag tycker inte att man som akademiskt högt utbildad ambitiös kvinna ska behöva känna sig stigmatiserad för att man väljer att gå tidigt tillbaka på jobb. Inte ska heller en kvinna, vare sig hon är högt utbildad eller inte, känna sig utbuad för att hon vill satsa på hemmet när barnen är små. I jämlikhetens namn borde samma gälla för män men i verkligheten har vi en lång väg att vandra för att det ska bli sant, åtminstone inom vissa yrkesområden.
Själv kommenterade jag under veckoslutet ett inlägg at Alfamamman Peppe på hennes blogg på HBL:s sidor. Hon undrade hur småbarnsföräldrar orkar (kolla här: Alfamamman). Och det är ju just det vi borde diskutera för det är nog det som är det riktigt relevanta när det kommer till kritan. Hur orkar vi, med sömnlösa nätter, med krävande fulltids jobb (må det vara hemjobbet eller kontorsjobbet), och med barn som prövar våra gränser, och far/mor föräldrar som bor på annan ort? För mig handlar det inte bara om barnens grundtrygghet. Jag är övertygad om att också andra vuxna hängivna personer kan sköta den uppgiften minst lika bra som jag under några timmar av dygnet. Nej, för mig handlar det om hela paketet: hur ro i land med allt, utan att bli utbränd på köpet. Och handen på hjärtat från denna ambitiösa jämställdhetsmorsa: det är attans mycket lättare att orka när man väljer att vara hemma. På bekostnad av jämställdheten. Men jag godkänner inte att det är så vi ska ha det. Istället efterlyser jag en mer mångfasetterad debatt; framförallt efterlyser jag mera alternativ till hur man kombinerar familj, arbetsliv och eget välmående!
Because I still think you can have it all...
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Proud of myself - so far, so good!
Lately my nerves have not been the best. That is why I am particularly proud of my behavior today. I did not pick one single fight with my kids. Not one. Good mommy, that is the way to go. Because, hand on heart here, how many times aren't those major world crisis quarrels with the small ones at least partly because of the parent's attitudes? It takes two to tango. In the case of A and I, I completely agree. Two strong women, both wanting to have the last word. Is it so strange that we are regularly caught in the cross fire of our stubborn wills?
Hubby left for his own patiperro ventures in the Arab world today. He was mostly worried of the lack of beer in the Emirate offerings... When actually he should have been more worried about the store offerings back home... Because A, G and I have to sort out our indifferences on our own in the next few days. As said, it started off well - there is hope! Still, I am a bit worried because we did not make it to the grocery store yesterday nor today - we are eating off the reserves in the freezer - which means that there is no suitable breakfast for myself tomorrow and I am balancing on a thin thread with only oatmeal porridge for the kids... Its a thin thread and I better make it tasty so that we make it out to the store before the hunger hits my own temper...Nuts, that is what I will eat. Nuts, what a great invention!
Hubby left for his own patiperro ventures in the Arab world today. He was mostly worried of the lack of beer in the Emirate offerings... When actually he should have been more worried about the store offerings back home... Because A, G and I have to sort out our indifferences on our own in the next few days. As said, it started off well - there is hope! Still, I am a bit worried because we did not make it to the grocery store yesterday nor today - we are eating off the reserves in the freezer - which means that there is no suitable breakfast for myself tomorrow and I am balancing on a thin thread with only oatmeal porridge for the kids... Its a thin thread and I better make it tasty so that we make it out to the store before the hunger hits my own temper...Nuts, that is what I will eat. Nuts, what a great invention!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Patiperra out and about
Patiperra has discovered something painful. She is not in such shape as when her middle name was "reina de Suecia" (not the country but the name of the party street in Santiago back in the early 2000) and she had resistance to industrial quantities of drinks.
Yesterday I went out to see a very good friend who I have not seen in a long time. I felt lost in town. Pathetically enough, on the way to our meeting point, I walked the disability passages. Hello! I was not accompanied by a stroller, might as well take the stairs! I was also amazed to see the city life. I hardly visit the city center anymore, and if I do, my eyes are on the little ones, not on our surroundings. So it was kind of a rediscovery of the beauty of this town....
Anyway, I had a drink, I had two. We had some wine. Lucky for us, the bartender was the slowest and clumsiest in town, otherwise we could have ended up with even more wine before the bar closed. Yes, bar closed. I was out until the bar closed. I never realized time flew so fast. In sum, we had a lot to cover and it was fun.
Today I have been painfully aware of how much time had flown, and how out of practice I am. After five hours of sleep I was supposed to render full with a one year old and a three year old. The day has been a pain but now it is all over. Kids are sleeping and tomorrow I will be back in shape. My glory days as the queen of the night are long gone, instead I joyfully take on the role of the queen of the hill in our princess games here at home!
But I have two words for you: Rhuba Martini. It rocks.
Yesterday I went out to see a very good friend who I have not seen in a long time. I felt lost in town. Pathetically enough, on the way to our meeting point, I walked the disability passages. Hello! I was not accompanied by a stroller, might as well take the stairs! I was also amazed to see the city life. I hardly visit the city center anymore, and if I do, my eyes are on the little ones, not on our surroundings. So it was kind of a rediscovery of the beauty of this town....
Anyway, I had a drink, I had two. We had some wine. Lucky for us, the bartender was the slowest and clumsiest in town, otherwise we could have ended up with even more wine before the bar closed. Yes, bar closed. I was out until the bar closed. I never realized time flew so fast. In sum, we had a lot to cover and it was fun.
Today I have been painfully aware of how much time had flown, and how out of practice I am. After five hours of sleep I was supposed to render full with a one year old and a three year old. The day has been a pain but now it is all over. Kids are sleeping and tomorrow I will be back in shape. My glory days as the queen of the night are long gone, instead I joyfully take on the role of the queen of the hill in our princess games here at home!
But I have two words for you: Rhuba Martini. It rocks.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Just a few reflections
Went to the hypermarket again (I try to avoid the place, and still I always end up lost in the endlessly long aisles, its like a nightmare...). To its defense; found tamari now that I knew where to look for it. I also got all the other ingredients that I thought I would have to go to Ruohonjuuri to find. I am sad the profits go to the green (monopolized) conglomerate and not to the grassroot organization - but being a small children parent I have to look for easy solutions... Anyway, funny thing was that at the frozen broccoli aisle (yes, the hypermarket is so big that it could have one aisle only for broccoli - but as usually I am exaggerating a bit here), I met some good friends of ours. There we stand with our frozen broccoli in our hands talking about the Wise Choice book. New trend in the hood, me like!
I just sent off an email that has kept me sleepless in the past 2-3 months. Done. Cannot be undone anymore. I hope I did the right (wise) choice. I'll return to this theme at some point because I could write a book about this issue. But right now is not the time to start reflecting on the theme. Time will tell.
Today we're going to have a grillparty with the families from daycare in a local park. I guess everyone else is bringing sausages and juice/lemonade. I am planning to make herb salmon for the grill and some "picka-vatten" (mineralwater) to drink for the kids. Lets see if A is fine with such non-party food...
I just sent off an email that has kept me sleepless in the past 2-3 months. Done. Cannot be undone anymore. I hope I did the right (wise) choice. I'll return to this theme at some point because I could write a book about this issue. But right now is not the time to start reflecting on the theme. Time will tell.
Today we're going to have a grillparty with the families from daycare in a local park. I guess everyone else is bringing sausages and juice/lemonade. I am planning to make herb salmon for the grill and some "picka-vatten" (mineralwater) to drink for the kids. Lets see if A is fine with such non-party food...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Råsmarta recept - chokomuffins
100 g mandlar
1,5 dl dadlar utan kärna
0,5 dl kakao (eller mer om du tycker om choko!)
2 msk rapsolja eller kokosfett
4 ägg
Lägg ugnen på 200 grader. Mixa mandlarna i matberedare till fint mjöl. Lägg till dadlarna, mixa. Lägg till kakaon on oljan, mixa. Vispa skillt äggen vita och fluffiga. Vänd ner äggen i kakaoröran. För olika smaker kan man lägga i en gnutta kaffe, mynta, chili eller annat passande (jag satte i bananbitar). Fyll muffinsformarna (stiger inte eftersom de är utan bakpulver). Dekorera med bananskivor. Grädda i 15 minuter.
100 g mandlar
1,5 dl dadlar utan kärna
0,5 dl kakao (eller mer om du tycker om choko!)
2 msk rapsolja eller kokosfett
4 ägg
Lägg ugnen på 200 grader. Mixa mandlarna i matberedare till fint mjöl. Lägg till dadlarna, mixa. Lägg till kakaon on oljan, mixa. Vispa skillt äggen vita och fluffiga. Vänd ner äggen i kakaoröran. För olika smaker kan man lägga i en gnutta kaffe, mynta, chili eller annat passande (jag satte i bananbitar). Fyll muffinsformarna (stiger inte eftersom de är utan bakpulver). Dekorera med bananskivor. Grädda i 15 minuter.
The couch potatoe
Ok, I think lady Wise Choice had a point. I am complete beat at 9 p.m. I should have taken her advice yesterday and gone to bed at 10 p.m. Rough night and then a long day and this is the result: I have turned into a couch potatoe.
But the food today was a hit. I am still mixing wise choice with easy choice, and knowing me I will continue to do so for quite some time. But the whole family started off the day with a spinach smoothie today. I would have prepared something else, but we did not have any other ingredients.
For dinner, I prepared chickpea burgers. The local grocery store did not have tamari, they did not even know what it was. But helpful as always, they googled it for me only to find out that it is similar to soy sauce. I bought ecological soy sauce instead. The burgers were good, I liked the taste of chickpeas blended with coco nut oil. G ate them all as well. Hubby did not have a second plate...which makes me a bit hesitant on his tastebuds in this case (he usually empties all pots and pans). A went for the quinoa instead. Ever since we introduced quinoa to her diet, she has been eating all of it. Its over a week now. She never eats all potatoes...And potatoes do not even have much nutrients in them.
Then, as I had promised A that we would bake, I had to fulfill my promise although already then my body was screaming for the couch. We made the chocolate muffins without sugar, wheat flour, butter or baking powder. And the muffins turned out excellent; sweet and tasty! A had two of them - just to show how good they were. The trick? Well, almonds instead of wheat flour, dates instead of sugar, some sunflower oil, cacao powder and whipped eggs, decorated with bananas. Yum! As I said in Swedish on Facebook, it feels so good to feed the little ones with sweets that are not filled with crap! I do not have to feel bad about giving a muffin (and some unsweetened soy yogurt) as the last meal before bedtime! Wise choice, yes definatelly!
In my next post I'll put the recipies of today. In Swedish, because this potatoe is too tired to translate...
But the food today was a hit. I am still mixing wise choice with easy choice, and knowing me I will continue to do so for quite some time. But the whole family started off the day with a spinach smoothie today. I would have prepared something else, but we did not have any other ingredients.
For dinner, I prepared chickpea burgers. The local grocery store did not have tamari, they did not even know what it was. But helpful as always, they googled it for me only to find out that it is similar to soy sauce. I bought ecological soy sauce instead. The burgers were good, I liked the taste of chickpeas blended with coco nut oil. G ate them all as well. Hubby did not have a second plate...which makes me a bit hesitant on his tastebuds in this case (he usually empties all pots and pans). A went for the quinoa instead. Ever since we introduced quinoa to her diet, she has been eating all of it. Its over a week now. She never eats all potatoes...And potatoes do not even have much nutrients in them.
Then, as I had promised A that we would bake, I had to fulfill my promise although already then my body was screaming for the couch. We made the chocolate muffins without sugar, wheat flour, butter or baking powder. And the muffins turned out excellent; sweet and tasty! A had two of them - just to show how good they were. The trick? Well, almonds instead of wheat flour, dates instead of sugar, some sunflower oil, cacao powder and whipped eggs, decorated with bananas. Yum! As I said in Swedish on Facebook, it feels so good to feed the little ones with sweets that are not filled with crap! I do not have to feel bad about giving a muffin (and some unsweetened soy yogurt) as the last meal before bedtime! Wise choice, yes definatelly!
In my next post I'll put the recipies of today. In Swedish, because this potatoe is too tired to translate...
Just-In-Time Family Rumba
G goes to the park in the morning. Between 9:15 and 11:15, 3 days a week. In a neighbourhood, 3 kilometers from home. We have exactly 45 minutes time to make it back home, cook some food and eat before it is nap time for him. Because when he goes to the park, hubby takes A to daycare before they serve breakfast. This means that we have to be picking up her by 2:45 p.m. in order to respect our current daycare contract. And so that G gets enough time for his nap, he needs to be sleeping by 12:15-12:30. This Just-In-Time schedule is challenging, to say the least. Especially as the family possess only one car, and it is in its rightous use by the working man. So far I have depended on the local buses (the Joker again, but in the other opposite direction from the theatre we went to the other day) and cookies to keep G awake on the way home. Now when the snow is gone, I have started to bicycle to the park. Logistical excercise with the time restrictions as an effective way of improving my physical condition!
Well, all this means that the food has to be ready to be served when we get home (both lunch and dinner, since we usually get stuck in a park on the way home from daycare and the kids are dead hungry once we get home). This combined with my newly discovered Wise Choice wisdom requires quite some planning, at least in the beginning. So today, second day of my lifestyle change challenge, I admit to have slipped in my wise choices. I bought some premade soy meatballs for lunch. In my defense I have to say that I also served my son some quinoa and broccoli. And as usual, he ate all he was served.
For dinner we are supposed to have chick pea burgers. I still have to hunt down some tamari at the local grocery store. Let's see if Hagamarket can meet my expectations. I'm also planning to make wheat- and sugarfree chocolate muffins. Haven't baked anything in 4 months! The silicone muffin forms are getting dusty...
Well, all this means that the food has to be ready to be served when we get home (both lunch and dinner, since we usually get stuck in a park on the way home from daycare and the kids are dead hungry once we get home). This combined with my newly discovered Wise Choice wisdom requires quite some planning, at least in the beginning. So today, second day of my lifestyle change challenge, I admit to have slipped in my wise choices. I bought some premade soy meatballs for lunch. In my defense I have to say that I also served my son some quinoa and broccoli. And as usual, he ate all he was served.
For dinner we are supposed to have chick pea burgers. I still have to hunt down some tamari at the local grocery store. Let's see if Hagamarket can meet my expectations. I'm also planning to make wheat- and sugarfree chocolate muffins. Haven't baked anything in 4 months! The silicone muffin forms are getting dusty...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wise choice; let the challenge begin!
I am getting to the end of the road with my LCHF diet. Lately I have not been eating as much fat as in the beginning and I have been eating some quinoa and some rye sandwiches and I feel it is time to turn the page. LCHF is an incredible way of getting rid of sugar addiction and the extra kilos but although I have read many books and blogs about the topic, I am still not 100% convinced that subsituting all carbohydrates with animal fat is such a good idea in the long run (short run: yes, yes, yes!). Besides, I want to be on the move and although some LCHF experts argue that it is possible to be physical active without any carbs in your blood, I still feel that I loose the extra energy needed to get myself out training (might also be the kids that suck the juice out of me during the day, leaving nothing left after their bedtime...).
So I need a change of focus. Low carb, high fat was easy; I went to the grocery store and bought vegetables that had grown above soil, meat/fish/chicken/shrimps, eggs in abundance, cream, sour cream, greek yougurt, cheese, nuts and dark chocolate (70%). Those where the ingredients for my own food (kids and hubby were served rise, pasta, potatoes, carrots as well). But now I want a lifestyle (do not want to use the word diet, as it is a longterm change in food intake habits) that can be applied to all family members and that still keeps me far away from all those fattening foods such as ice cream, milk chocolate, cookies, candies, chips, etc. Applying any kind of food to all family members is becoming more and more difficult. A has always had her own thoughts on what is good enough food for her body. For G anything goes but I am starting to suspect that he might have milk protein allergy. Hubby, well he is an adult and can decide on his own, but I do not think it is healthy to continue eating all kinds of unhealthy food for him either, although he usually remains skinny no matter what...isn't it usually so that it is the skinny men in their fifties that drop dead from a heart attack? The thought scares me....
So what did I come up with? Well, some weeks ago I came across the book Wise Choice Family (wrote about it in an earlier posting) and the idea put forward by the author appealed to me. This could be it, is what I thought. This could be the method of how to combine 4 in 1. And not so surprising but her thought are not that revolutionary. Its all about eating natural foods, trying to avoid transfats, industrial ingredients and food without nutrition value. Food intake should be as nutritive as possible. The author does not believe in milk products (as these are filled with hormones, no matter if ecological cows or not), she does not overconsume red meat and the fats that she recommend are basically coco, avocado, linseedoild and fish oils. Then she is in favor of all the hyped superfoods (berries of all kinds, spinach, nuts, seeds etc). Carbohydrates should be included but balanced and only slow carbs (quinoa, bulgur, wild rice). I liked her book, I liked her idea, but there is a tiny problem: the normal local supermarket might have some of the ingredients in her receipies, but far from all of them. To make the meals rich in flavour and to give yourself a treat ones in a while, you need to become a superfood hunter, you need to know where you can find quinoa pasta, vanilla powder without sugar, stevia, protein powder, oatmeal milk, rice milk, birch sugar, wild rice, fiber husk etc. At first sight I was set off by this smallish obstacle.
Now as my weekly routine grocery store trip is becoming ever so restricted because of the limits of the LCHF ingredients and my motivation to cook high on fat and low on carbs is failing, I have decided to give the wise choice alternative a real chance. I bought the book and the same day it arrived I got myself over the to the hypermarket that I usually try to avoid by all means (See: Going green..) and I search up and down the aisles for these superfood ingredients. I would say that I was quite happy with the outcome. Now I still have to visit some health food stores, and some internet stores, to find some of the more exotic ingredients but at least we now have the essentials in our cupbord.
This morning the experiment was introduced to the little ones (hubby had left for work, and I myself is still dubious about eating porridge instead of eggs in the morning). They did not like the porridge but they were very happy to get a green spinach smoothie for breakfast. And may I add, it was the first morning in a very very long time that A and I made it all the way to daycare without a major fight. Pure coincidence?
In the evening I decided to try out one of the ice cream recipes, based on no sugars, only bananans, avocados and strawberry - and some vanilla powder to give it some extra taste. Complete success! All family members, including myself ( who by the way has not had an ice cream in the past 4 months!) liked it very much.
Now I will continue to apply her ideas to our eating habits and to my own lifestyle. Still to do is much more than a spinach smoothie and an avocado ice cream. Like for example, getting myself to bed at 10 p.m. each night and starting to excercice almost every second day (playground boot camp is a suggestion...). Just as with the GI-diet or the LCHF-diet, I think that the hardest part is to find the right ingredients and learn some basics....after that it should be a piece of cake... except for that part about going to bed at 10 p.m. Hey please, I'll quote my daughter: "but its still light outside!"
Here a link to the Wise Choice website (all in Swedish):
So I need a change of focus. Low carb, high fat was easy; I went to the grocery store and bought vegetables that had grown above soil, meat/fish/chicken/shrimps, eggs in abundance, cream, sour cream, greek yougurt, cheese, nuts and dark chocolate (70%). Those where the ingredients for my own food (kids and hubby were served rise, pasta, potatoes, carrots as well). But now I want a lifestyle (do not want to use the word diet, as it is a longterm change in food intake habits) that can be applied to all family members and that still keeps me far away from all those fattening foods such as ice cream, milk chocolate, cookies, candies, chips, etc. Applying any kind of food to all family members is becoming more and more difficult. A has always had her own thoughts on what is good enough food for her body. For G anything goes but I am starting to suspect that he might have milk protein allergy. Hubby, well he is an adult and can decide on his own, but I do not think it is healthy to continue eating all kinds of unhealthy food for him either, although he usually remains skinny no matter what...isn't it usually so that it is the skinny men in their fifties that drop dead from a heart attack? The thought scares me....
So what did I come up with? Well, some weeks ago I came across the book Wise Choice Family (wrote about it in an earlier posting) and the idea put forward by the author appealed to me. This could be it, is what I thought. This could be the method of how to combine 4 in 1. And not so surprising but her thought are not that revolutionary. Its all about eating natural foods, trying to avoid transfats, industrial ingredients and food without nutrition value. Food intake should be as nutritive as possible. The author does not believe in milk products (as these are filled with hormones, no matter if ecological cows or not), she does not overconsume red meat and the fats that she recommend are basically coco, avocado, linseedoild and fish oils. Then she is in favor of all the hyped superfoods (berries of all kinds, spinach, nuts, seeds etc). Carbohydrates should be included but balanced and only slow carbs (quinoa, bulgur, wild rice). I liked her book, I liked her idea, but there is a tiny problem: the normal local supermarket might have some of the ingredients in her receipies, but far from all of them. To make the meals rich in flavour and to give yourself a treat ones in a while, you need to become a superfood hunter, you need to know where you can find quinoa pasta, vanilla powder without sugar, stevia, protein powder, oatmeal milk, rice milk, birch sugar, wild rice, fiber husk etc. At first sight I was set off by this smallish obstacle.
Now as my weekly routine grocery store trip is becoming ever so restricted because of the limits of the LCHF ingredients and my motivation to cook high on fat and low on carbs is failing, I have decided to give the wise choice alternative a real chance. I bought the book and the same day it arrived I got myself over the to the hypermarket that I usually try to avoid by all means (See: Going green..) and I search up and down the aisles for these superfood ingredients. I would say that I was quite happy with the outcome. Now I still have to visit some health food stores, and some internet stores, to find some of the more exotic ingredients but at least we now have the essentials in our cupbord.
This morning the experiment was introduced to the little ones (hubby had left for work, and I myself is still dubious about eating porridge instead of eggs in the morning). They did not like the porridge but they were very happy to get a green spinach smoothie for breakfast. And may I add, it was the first morning in a very very long time that A and I made it all the way to daycare without a major fight. Pure coincidence?
In the evening I decided to try out one of the ice cream recipes, based on no sugars, only bananans, avocados and strawberry - and some vanilla powder to give it some extra taste. Complete success! All family members, including myself ( who by the way has not had an ice cream in the past 4 months!) liked it very much.
Now I will continue to apply her ideas to our eating habits and to my own lifestyle. Still to do is much more than a spinach smoothie and an avocado ice cream. Like for example, getting myself to bed at 10 p.m. each night and starting to excercice almost every second day (playground boot camp is a suggestion...). Just as with the GI-diet or the LCHF-diet, I think that the hardest part is to find the right ingredients and learn some basics....after that it should be a piece of cake... except for that part about going to bed at 10 p.m. Hey please, I'll quote my daughter: "but its still light outside!"
Here a link to the Wise Choice website (all in Swedish):
Monday, May 23, 2011
Algo en español ahora...
No, no he olvidado mi compromiso con el mundo hispanoparlante. Es solo que ultimamente no me ha salido temas que podrían ser interesantes reflexionarse en español. O, sí, temas siempre hay pero estando acá en el norte estoy indudablemente muy lejos del eje latino...
Tuvimos nuestro primer tormenta electrica del año hoy. Justo cuando yo habia decidido llevar los niños al parque en bicicleta. El parque está a 3-4 kilómetros de aquí. Los niños no se mojaron, estaban en su cochecito comiendo "Maissinaksu" (unos chips hecho de puro choclo, nada mas, hasta bebes los pueden comer) para no quedarse dormidos. Lograron arrasar con una bolsa entera en menos de 20 minutos, mientras yo me mojaba entera, pedaleando por el parque central de vuelta a la casa. Me sorprendió que A no se asustó con la tormenta. Parece que pasó suficiente tiempo de nuestra experiencia excepcional en la casa de campo el año pasado...cuando hasta yo pensaba que el relámapago llevara casa y todo a dentro mientras los truenos sonaban uno por segundo.
Ayer corrí los 10 kilometros del año, junta con unos 20 mil otras mujeres. Lo hice junto con 5 otras mamás del barrio, y por una vez podiamos hablar tranquilamente sin que nuestros hijos nos interrumpiera... sí, costó un poco hablar y correr al mismo tiempo pero valió la pena! Ahora planificamos participar en otra corrida en agosto, cuando se corre 10 kilometros a medianoche...Mas facil para los papás, que no necesitan hacer extra esfuerzo en cuidar los hijos a esa hora.
Llevo ahora cuatro meses con la dieta bajo en carbohidratos y alto en grazas. Ya ni lo pienso cuando voy al super. Ya sé en que productos se esconden los carbohidratos. Pero cuatro meses con este tema hace que los ingredientes son un poco renstringidos. Diria que casi 80% de los productos de un supermercado normal contienen demasiado carbohidratos y ingredientes artificiales. Me estoy aburriendo de la selección y estoy pensando en como corregirlo. De vuelta no voy. Me siento demasiado bien para comenzar a toxicarme con azucares de nuevo. Una opcion es introducir una dieta mas enfocada en comida de calidad, natural y con carbohidratos "naturales", todavía libre de azucares y carbohidratos que afecten el nivel de la insulina. De hecho, hoy me llegó un libro sobre el tema, traducida a español su título sería algo del estilo "familia de selecciones inteligentes". Ya pasé por un hipermercado (nuestro supermercado local no tiene tantos productos especializados) a abastecer con spaghetti de quinoa, quinoa, trigos integrales, vainilla natural, berries en polvo, diferentes tipos de nueces, etc. La autora está muy crítica hacia los productos lácteos y allí es donde encuentro mi obstáculo mas grande. Durante la epoca de LCHF he sustituido muchos carbohidratos con crema, yogurt alta en graza y mantequilla. Me cuesta ahora sacar estos productos y comenzar a usar leche/graza de coco y preparar otro tipo de comido. Pero al final, creo que ella tiene razon en su argumento y voy a darle el empeño. A ver hasta donde llegamos con esta cosa...
Chin Chin, hasta la próxima!
Tuvimos nuestro primer tormenta electrica del año hoy. Justo cuando yo habia decidido llevar los niños al parque en bicicleta. El parque está a 3-4 kilómetros de aquí. Los niños no se mojaron, estaban en su cochecito comiendo "Maissinaksu" (unos chips hecho de puro choclo, nada mas, hasta bebes los pueden comer) para no quedarse dormidos. Lograron arrasar con una bolsa entera en menos de 20 minutos, mientras yo me mojaba entera, pedaleando por el parque central de vuelta a la casa. Me sorprendió que A no se asustó con la tormenta. Parece que pasó suficiente tiempo de nuestra experiencia excepcional en la casa de campo el año pasado...cuando hasta yo pensaba que el relámapago llevara casa y todo a dentro mientras los truenos sonaban uno por segundo.
Ayer corrí los 10 kilometros del año, junta con unos 20 mil otras mujeres. Lo hice junto con 5 otras mamás del barrio, y por una vez podiamos hablar tranquilamente sin que nuestros hijos nos interrumpiera... sí, costó un poco hablar y correr al mismo tiempo pero valió la pena! Ahora planificamos participar en otra corrida en agosto, cuando se corre 10 kilometros a medianoche...Mas facil para los papás, que no necesitan hacer extra esfuerzo en cuidar los hijos a esa hora.
Llevo ahora cuatro meses con la dieta bajo en carbohidratos y alto en grazas. Ya ni lo pienso cuando voy al super. Ya sé en que productos se esconden los carbohidratos. Pero cuatro meses con este tema hace que los ingredientes son un poco renstringidos. Diria que casi 80% de los productos de un supermercado normal contienen demasiado carbohidratos y ingredientes artificiales. Me estoy aburriendo de la selección y estoy pensando en como corregirlo. De vuelta no voy. Me siento demasiado bien para comenzar a toxicarme con azucares de nuevo. Una opcion es introducir una dieta mas enfocada en comida de calidad, natural y con carbohidratos "naturales", todavía libre de azucares y carbohidratos que afecten el nivel de la insulina. De hecho, hoy me llegó un libro sobre el tema, traducida a español su título sería algo del estilo "familia de selecciones inteligentes". Ya pasé por un hipermercado (nuestro supermercado local no tiene tantos productos especializados) a abastecer con spaghetti de quinoa, quinoa, trigos integrales, vainilla natural, berries en polvo, diferentes tipos de nueces, etc. La autora está muy crítica hacia los productos lácteos y allí es donde encuentro mi obstáculo mas grande. Durante la epoca de LCHF he sustituido muchos carbohidratos con crema, yogurt alta en graza y mantequilla. Me cuesta ahora sacar estos productos y comenzar a usar leche/graza de coco y preparar otro tipo de comido. Pero al final, creo que ella tiene razon en su argumento y voy a darle el empeño. A ver hasta donde llegamos con esta cosa...
Chin Chin, hasta la próxima!
Om att blogga
Ibland känns det inte bra helt enkelt. Ibland känns det som om det blev snurr på tråden när jag formulerade mina meningar. Ibland är jag inte stolt över sånt jag skrivit. Då går jag in och redigerar, ändrar och tar bort. Undrar om detta går er emot bloggetiketten. Är det så att när man en gång lagt ut ett ämne så förväntas det att det ligger där som sådant? I all evighet?
Jag söker ännu min stil inom bloggvärlden. Vet inte riktigt vad min blogg ska innehålla. Det hela startade som en reseskildring, om hur jag ser på ett land på andra sidan världen efter att ha följt dess utveckling i 10 år. Men nu så här i hemmaknutarna har jag en bloggidentitetskris.
Ibland känns det rätt att skriva på svenska, ibland på engelska och ibland på spanska. Att ha alla språken på en blogg känns naturligt för mig. Men det är absolut inte naturligt för sådana som inte kan alla tre språken. Men det är inte bara språket som förbryllar. Jag är intresserad av samhällsdebatten och samhällsutvecklingen. Men eftersom jag inte själv har en aning om mina politiska preferenser vill jag absolut inte tvinna in mig i politiska debatter, i alla fall inte på bloggen. Kan inte tåla att andra stämplar mig för något som jag inte själv identifierar mig med. Så ibland blir det svårt att skilja åt min bloggprofil från mitt samhällsintresse. Och för det mesta är det just efter de inläggen som jag inte känner mig bekväm att blotta mig. För jo visst, man kan och ska ta ställning, och det är fint, men ibland känns det inte rätt. Så jag grubblar. Ska jag fortsätta blogga och till viss del blotta mina tankar på öppen plats. Eller ska jag helt enkelt låta bli.
To be or not to be - a blogger - that is the question.
Jag söker ännu min stil inom bloggvärlden. Vet inte riktigt vad min blogg ska innehålla. Det hela startade som en reseskildring, om hur jag ser på ett land på andra sidan världen efter att ha följt dess utveckling i 10 år. Men nu så här i hemmaknutarna har jag en bloggidentitetskris.
Ibland känns det rätt att skriva på svenska, ibland på engelska och ibland på spanska. Att ha alla språken på en blogg känns naturligt för mig. Men det är absolut inte naturligt för sådana som inte kan alla tre språken. Men det är inte bara språket som förbryllar. Jag är intresserad av samhällsdebatten och samhällsutvecklingen. Men eftersom jag inte själv har en aning om mina politiska preferenser vill jag absolut inte tvinna in mig i politiska debatter, i alla fall inte på bloggen. Kan inte tåla att andra stämplar mig för något som jag inte själv identifierar mig med. Så ibland blir det svårt att skilja åt min bloggprofil från mitt samhällsintresse. Och för det mesta är det just efter de inläggen som jag inte känner mig bekväm att blotta mig. För jo visst, man kan och ska ta ställning, och det är fint, men ibland känns det inte rätt. Så jag grubblar. Ska jag fortsätta blogga och till viss del blotta mina tankar på öppen plats. Eller ska jag helt enkelt låta bli.
To be or not to be - a blogger - that is the question.
Hade planer på att vara effektiv idag. Men det var före det började regna och åska. Barnens parkmorgon blev avbruten av en hysterisk morsa som trodde på riktigt att nästan-4-åringen skulle stå och stortjuta vid grinden av den hemska åskan. Nej, antingen var åskan lite mildare än vår nära-döden-upplevelse ifjol somras ute på villan i skärin eller sen har dottern på riktigt vuxit till sig under de senaste 10 månaderna. Både hon och sonen satt uppe i rutschbanshuset tillsammans med både parktanten resten av barnen och ett paket kex. Hur glada som helst. Nåväl, jag packade in dem i cykelvagnen och trampade hem i ösregn.
Nu sover sonen. Dottern sitter bänkad framför sin spansktalande Disney-princessfilm (Nej, det var inte jag som köpte den! Det var en gåva av hennes farmor, och åtminstone lär hon ju sig spanska...). Dagens andra möjlighet till att vara effektiv. Men istället surfar jag bloggar, kommenterar bloggar och stirrar på egen blogg. Nej, hörni, ta mig i kragen. Så här slö får jag inte vara!
Nu sover sonen. Dottern sitter bänkad framför sin spansktalande Disney-princessfilm (Nej, det var inte jag som köpte den! Det var en gåva av hennes farmor, och åtminstone lär hon ju sig spanska...). Dagens andra möjlighet till att vara effektiv. Men istället surfar jag bloggar, kommenterar bloggar och stirrar på egen blogg. Nej, hörni, ta mig i kragen. Så här slö får jag inte vara!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Nice-ten. Very nice!
I finished the run, 10k, running all the way. And talking! In little more than an hour. Feels good!
Just very annoyed that all the food served after the run is filled with sugars or other kinds of quick carbohydrates... Some salted nuts would have been fine for my diet as well.
Just very annoyed that all the food served after the run is filled with sugars or other kinds of quick carbohydrates... Some salted nuts would have been fine for my diet as well.
King Kong
Hubby is watching King Kong (new version) and he tells me that the gorilla resembles our son. I am doubtful about his arguments here.
Ok, now he says that gorilla resembles our daugther. I think it is time for me to go to bed. This cannot be sane.
Good night.
Ok, now he says that gorilla resembles our daugther. I think it is time for me to go to bed. This cannot be sane.
Good night.
Patiperra goes Nice-ten.
Tomorrow patiperra faces the challenge of 10 kilometers in the streets of Helsinki, together with six other moms from the hood. I signed up for this event in January, hoping to find the motivation needed to get my butt out in the dark, snowy, slippery and cold streets of Helsinki. I failed. Then I hoped to find the motivation off the Pacific coast during our summer holiday in February. I failed. I promised myself that on April 1st there were no more excuses, there was no more ice on the streets and the evenings were not dark anymore. I failed. After Easter holiday; that's when I was really about to start my training for the 10k. Well no, failed again. Started blaming my diet. No carbohydrates, made it impossible to get myself on the move...Then, suddenly 10 days before the run, I find the perfect time and the motivation. Now I have been out running exactly five times in the past 10 days. Nowhere near the 10 kilometers due tomorrow, but still I have prepared, and I am ready to meet the challenge. Patiperra says: bring it on!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Krakel Spektakels underbara språk (fy skäms Husis!)
Imorse blev jag ledsen. Riktigt ordentligt ledsen. Undrar hur Hufvudstadsbladet tänkte när de skickade iväg sin recensent och titta på Krakel Spektakel. Ännu mer undrar jag hur de tänkte när de publicerade hennes text. På riktigt, man kan inte vara så där negativ om en pjäs som fyllde salen och som begeistrade alla barnen i salen.
Recensionen gick ut på att hacka ner på skådespelarnas dåliga svenska. Kontentan av det hela; Hellsing kan inte tolkas av finskspråkiga skådespelare - anställ svenskspråkiga skådespelare.
Say what! Jag såg föreställningen, och jo, jag reagerade på att de flesta skådespelarna hade en finsk accent på sitt svenska språk. Men detta tolkade jag endast som något positivt! Krakel själv var rätt så styv i sitt språk. Men hej, det passade ju honom! För på riktigt, ingen kan väl påstå att Krakel är en karaktär som ska vara "normal". Krakel är en liten kuf, och jag tyckte den finska accenten gjorde honom just så kufisk som rollen kräver.
Tilläggas bör (23.5) att jag inte alls tyckte att hans språk var svagt, helt korrekt svenska. Men det var inte modersmålssvenska. Måste det vara det? Undrar jag.
Dessutom, tycker jag det var jätte fint att finska skådespelare fått bekanta sig med en av höjdarna inom svensk barnlitteratur. Salen var fylld med både finsk- och svenskspråkiga dagisbarn. Pjäsen gick inte endast ut på att rabbla ramsor, utan här fick barnen se Hellsings figurer bokstavligen i ord och bild. Rekvisitan var underbar. Godiskiosken var identisk med bokversionen. Så pass identisk att 6-åringen i mitt sällskap viskade glatt att hon visste vilken saga som skulle komma, för hon har den sagan där hemma. Bagarna i spårvagnen var finurliga och med dottern diskuterade vi länge hur Opsis Kalopsis hade snott allt de hade och hur de blivit ledsna men sedan blivit glada igen när de fick nya förkläden. Barnen var också mäkta imponerade av molnet som gav Krakel en rejäl bula i pannan när han svävade på höga höjder i slutet av pjäsen.
Jag undrar om Hbl-recessenten har tappat sitt barnasinne. Har hon upplevt pjäsen tillsammans med barn? Har hon överhuvudtaget diskuterat pjäsen med barn innan hon satte sig ner och skrev en mycket bitter recension?
Hallå! Hbl tutar ut hur finskspråkiga måste lära sig svenska, hur nyttigt språket är, hur mycket de behöver den när de har att göra med svenskspråkiga i vårt land. Och sen publiceras en sådan här recension som river ner alla brobyggarmöjligheter som ett sånt här projekt erbjuder. Fy.
Bra att sommaren är på kommande, för det lär bli uppehåll i prenumerationen i sommar igen. Ja, tilläggas bör, prenumerationen var en present - för jag hade redan tidigare satt mig själv i hbl-bojkott.
Recensionen gick ut på att hacka ner på skådespelarnas dåliga svenska. Kontentan av det hela; Hellsing kan inte tolkas av finskspråkiga skådespelare - anställ svenskspråkiga skådespelare.
Say what! Jag såg föreställningen, och jo, jag reagerade på att de flesta skådespelarna hade en finsk accent på sitt svenska språk. Men detta tolkade jag endast som något positivt! Krakel själv var rätt så styv i sitt språk. Men hej, det passade ju honom! För på riktigt, ingen kan väl påstå att Krakel är en karaktär som ska vara "normal". Krakel är en liten kuf, och jag tyckte den finska accenten gjorde honom just så kufisk som rollen kräver.
Tilläggas bör (23.5) att jag inte alls tyckte att hans språk var svagt, helt korrekt svenska. Men det var inte modersmålssvenska. Måste det vara det? Undrar jag.
Dessutom, tycker jag det var jätte fint att finska skådespelare fått bekanta sig med en av höjdarna inom svensk barnlitteratur. Salen var fylld med både finsk- och svenskspråkiga dagisbarn. Pjäsen gick inte endast ut på att rabbla ramsor, utan här fick barnen se Hellsings figurer bokstavligen i ord och bild. Rekvisitan var underbar. Godiskiosken var identisk med bokversionen. Så pass identisk att 6-åringen i mitt sällskap viskade glatt att hon visste vilken saga som skulle komma, för hon har den sagan där hemma. Bagarna i spårvagnen var finurliga och med dottern diskuterade vi länge hur Opsis Kalopsis hade snott allt de hade och hur de blivit ledsna men sedan blivit glada igen när de fick nya förkläden. Barnen var också mäkta imponerade av molnet som gav Krakel en rejäl bula i pannan när han svävade på höga höjder i slutet av pjäsen.
Jag undrar om Hbl-recessenten har tappat sitt barnasinne. Har hon upplevt pjäsen tillsammans med barn? Har hon överhuvudtaget diskuterat pjäsen med barn innan hon satte sig ner och skrev en mycket bitter recension?
Hallå! Hbl tutar ut hur finskspråkiga måste lära sig svenska, hur nyttigt språket är, hur mycket de behöver den när de har att göra med svenskspråkiga i vårt land. Och sen publiceras en sådan här recension som river ner alla brobyggarmöjligheter som ett sånt här projekt erbjuder. Fy.
Bra att sommaren är på kommande, för det lär bli uppehåll i prenumerationen i sommar igen. Ja, tilläggas bör, prenumerationen var en present - för jag hade redan tidigare satt mig själv i hbl-bojkott.
Friday, May 20, 2011
De senaste dagarna har jag haft lyckan att få springa mina naisten10 träningspass mitt på ljusa dagen, när man är i bäst skick för att orka springa. Dubbellycka har det blivit då jag fått bekanta mig med nya underbara bostadsområden i Helsingfors, egentligen bara ett stenkast från eget hem men där Centralparken fungerar som en effektiv mur mellan väst och öst.
Nåja, idag förvillade jag mig in på Kottbys härliga träbostadsområden. Tacksam till de arkitekt-studenter som på 70-talet räddade dessa områden från betongförortsmassakern! Om någon av mina blogganhängare känner en av dessa aktivister, skicka dem ett stort TACK från mig. Så fint.
Det som förvånar är att träbostadsområdena inte bara består av träkottby. Jag länkade förbi Gumtäkts koloniträdgård, ut vid Gumtäkts simbassänger och sedan in i Gumtäkts träbostadskvarter, genom Forsbysjukhus parkområden och sedan in på Lyckovägen. Jepp, ni läste rätt. Lyckovägen. Jag tittade på de härliga stora trähusen, kom ihåg gamla Vikinga i Vasa, hur jag redan som ung drömt om att bo i ett sådant hus. Hoppas verkligen att de som bor på Lyckovägen vet hur lyckligt lottade de är. Vilket underbart ställe!
Efter nästan fem år i Haga känner jag mig nästan som del av etablissemanget här. Jag älskar våra krokiga vägar, våra härliga lekparker, vår fina k-butik, vår tågstation, ja och alla barnfamiljer i området. Men att bo i ett trähus på Lyckovägen, ja det känns nog för mig som en önskedröm värd att drömma om! Jag är t.o.m. beredd att ge upp min längtan till landet, och kombinera mylla och boende på samma plätt. Undrar just hur miljonär man ska vara eller hurdana kontakter man ska ha för att landa där?
Nåja, idag förvillade jag mig in på Kottbys härliga träbostadsområden. Tacksam till de arkitekt-studenter som på 70-talet räddade dessa områden från betongförortsmassakern! Om någon av mina blogganhängare känner en av dessa aktivister, skicka dem ett stort TACK från mig. Så fint.
Det som förvånar är att träbostadsområdena inte bara består av träkottby. Jag länkade förbi Gumtäkts koloniträdgård, ut vid Gumtäkts simbassänger och sedan in i Gumtäkts träbostadskvarter, genom Forsbysjukhus parkområden och sedan in på Lyckovägen. Jepp, ni läste rätt. Lyckovägen. Jag tittade på de härliga stora trähusen, kom ihåg gamla Vikinga i Vasa, hur jag redan som ung drömt om att bo i ett sådant hus. Hoppas verkligen att de som bor på Lyckovägen vet hur lyckligt lottade de är. Vilket underbart ställe!
Efter nästan fem år i Haga känner jag mig nästan som del av etablissemanget här. Jag älskar våra krokiga vägar, våra härliga lekparker, vår fina k-butik, vår tågstation, ja och alla barnfamiljer i området. Men att bo i ett trähus på Lyckovägen, ja det känns nog för mig som en önskedröm värd att drömma om! Jag är t.o.m. beredd att ge upp min längtan till landet, och kombinera mylla och boende på samma plätt. Undrar just hur miljonär man ska vara eller hurdana kontakter man ska ha för att landa där?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Mormorsstuga - längtan till landet...
Mormorsstuga. Jag har fått dille på mormorsstuga. Hade aldrig trott det här om mig men jag längtar till landet! Nu talar vi inte om skären i Österbotten eller stugan på Åland, nej jag längtar till det nyländska landet. Jag vill kunna säga men äkta stolthet: i år kommer vi att vara på lande.
Och inte vilket lande som helst. Konstigt nog bryr jag mig inte så mycket om det finns en strand (har det att göra med ungarnas icke existerande simkunskap eller den nyss sedda dokumentären om Östersjöns lamentabla skick - vet icke). Men jag vill ha en gammal stockstuga, må det vara ett litet torp eller en herrgård, men gammalt ska det vara, helst sent 1800-tal. Det här är en så radikal svängning i mina normala sommarplaner att det nog inte går att övertyga ens hubben om detta i en handvändning. Istället förlitar jag mig på att min köplats till Hagas kolonilotter ska ge mig utdelning nästa vecka. För myllan under naglarna, det VILL jag ha, NU, genast!
Och inte vilket lande som helst. Konstigt nog bryr jag mig inte så mycket om det finns en strand (har det att göra med ungarnas icke existerande simkunskap eller den nyss sedda dokumentären om Östersjöns lamentabla skick - vet icke). Men jag vill ha en gammal stockstuga, må det vara ett litet torp eller en herrgård, men gammalt ska det vara, helst sent 1800-tal. Det här är en så radikal svängning i mina normala sommarplaner att det nog inte går att övertyga ens hubben om detta i en handvändning. Istället förlitar jag mig på att min köplats till Hagas kolonilotter ska ge mig utdelning nästa vecka. För myllan under naglarna, det VILL jag ha, NU, genast!
Patiperra doubles the challenge!
Why would you take only two kids to the theater when you have the opportunity to be accompanied by four pre-schoolers? Two kids, twice the challenge, four kids, quatriple the fun. This is the unedited story of how I survived the day as a daycare auntie.
Planning, planning, planning....If real estate decisions are to be based on location, location, location then a day out with four pre-schoolers must be based on planning, planning, planning. And so I did. This morning I got up at dawn, used hubby as my alarm instead of the normal kids cry. I prepared breakfast, cooked eggs, spinach soop, treats, in other words the package.
I realized early that the challenge in my plan were my own two honeybuns. As long as they were fed, dressed and ready when the two others arrived, we would have no problem in making it in time to the theater at 10 a.m. Especially our normal quarrels over daughter's firm opinions on what to wear had to be minimized, preferrably abolished this morning. I put myself in the position of her; ok, so the light pink jeans were not cool, neither were the blue jeans, but yes the dark pink jeans (her favorite) and then the pink shirt , fine with me, as long as fine with the daugther. We almost made it; it was only son that was missing a pair of trousers and socks when I opened the door to the two additional cuties accompanying us today. All four were so excited that they practically jumped their way down the stairs.
Then the walk; from home to the bus stop. Potential crisis here; one stroller, one buggy board, four kids... solved it perfectly well, youngest in the stroller, second youngest on the buggy board and then the two big sisses walking hand in hand. Yes, no outbursts, and child security secured.
In the bus. In order to avoid unecessary bus changes, I chose to take the snail bus, also called the Joker. The name supposedly for being a quick route, but that is a laugh, the bus snails around all suburbs of Helsinki. In its defense, and nothing to do with its name; it is realiable, goes with 5-10 minutes intervals and gets you from point a to b. My overexcited Swedish speaking companions made it clear to the rest of the rush hour travelers that Swedish is a languange that is alive and well in this country! To confirm that the bus ride took its time, one of the group members commented some 5-10 minutes before our final destination that it was almost like flying to Dubai... Right on mister, I think I'll send the feedback to the public transport authorities of this city... Joker, what a laugh!
We get off, in one of the five centers of the neighbouring municipality. Here I am faced with a challenge of another sort. As you may, or may not know, the Rumanian minority of Romanis have populated our streets as beggers in the past 2-3 years. Politicians are going beserk because they do not know how to handle this problem - Finland has not had beggars in decades, so this is a hot topic in contemporary politics. Well, there in the center of the neighbouring municipality I am confronted with the question of why this lady is sitting on the street. First observation was that why did she not have a table? And then just why was she sitting on the ground. I truly did not know how to explain the issue to my companions. Still thinking about it. But that all of them were pondering these questions just shows that none of these four kids are not exposed to city life all that often...Sound childhood.
We got to the theater. Children sat still for the whole one hour show, listened and laughed. I take that as a success. Ok, correction; three kids sat as small candles; we had one hooligan in the group, but I bribed him with raisins (all part of my grand slam plan) and he kept rocking quietly through out the show. After the theater; the holy mess of lunch time. Will not go into details; main thing is that the kids did get lunch and lets leave the mess out of the story. But just to be precise; the mess did originate from the same raisin drugged rocker, no one else to be blamed, and I put that on the account of his young age...kind of like the behaviour of the young Finnish ice hockey players, did not know that his was acting against the code of conduct...
The return trip was a true joy; rocker passed out soon after entering the bus, rest of the gang were allowed to sit in seats where they could look out the window. This was a smart move as that did guarantee that no one else would fall asleep during the snail ride. I was a bit worried about having to push a stroller and carry at least two sleeping three year olds on my shoulders... no thank you. Here I have to add that at this point we had developed some disagreement on who had the right to stand on the buggy board. Was it the oldest? Was it the second youngest? Or was it the rightous owner of the board? We solved it by testing the weight resistance of the board; two girls standing on it and one gentleman walking by my side.
And to finish our adventures I promised some ice cream once back home. This way I got them to cooperate all the way up to the fourth floor. The rest of the afternoon we spent playing fruit market (selling fruits and lorries for 5, 10, 25 moneys each) and royal castle (with creative princess costumes, decorations and royal toys - hubby's football medal). And yes, I also let them watch both an Astrid Lindgren movie and Ice Age 3. All on the request of the visitors.
This is how you can have an excellent day in the company of four preschoolers. I am happy I put myself up for this challenge. Cheers to my own and the borrowed patiperros chicos!
And for all of those with preschoolers in Helsinki region: go tomorrow and see Krakel Spektakel in Louhisalen/Tapiola. It was loads of fun and I think both Swedish and Finnish speaking kids can enjoy the show!
Planning, planning, planning....If real estate decisions are to be based on location, location, location then a day out with four pre-schoolers must be based on planning, planning, planning. And so I did. This morning I got up at dawn, used hubby as my alarm instead of the normal kids cry. I prepared breakfast, cooked eggs, spinach soop, treats, in other words the package.
I realized early that the challenge in my plan were my own two honeybuns. As long as they were fed, dressed and ready when the two others arrived, we would have no problem in making it in time to the theater at 10 a.m. Especially our normal quarrels over daughter's firm opinions on what to wear had to be minimized, preferrably abolished this morning. I put myself in the position of her; ok, so the light pink jeans were not cool, neither were the blue jeans, but yes the dark pink jeans (her favorite) and then the pink shirt , fine with me, as long as fine with the daugther. We almost made it; it was only son that was missing a pair of trousers and socks when I opened the door to the two additional cuties accompanying us today. All four were so excited that they practically jumped their way down the stairs.
Then the walk; from home to the bus stop. Potential crisis here; one stroller, one buggy board, four kids... solved it perfectly well, youngest in the stroller, second youngest on the buggy board and then the two big sisses walking hand in hand. Yes, no outbursts, and child security secured.
In the bus. In order to avoid unecessary bus changes, I chose to take the snail bus, also called the Joker. The name supposedly for being a quick route, but that is a laugh, the bus snails around all suburbs of Helsinki. In its defense, and nothing to do with its name; it is realiable, goes with 5-10 minutes intervals and gets you from point a to b. My overexcited Swedish speaking companions made it clear to the rest of the rush hour travelers that Swedish is a languange that is alive and well in this country! To confirm that the bus ride took its time, one of the group members commented some 5-10 minutes before our final destination that it was almost like flying to Dubai... Right on mister, I think I'll send the feedback to the public transport authorities of this city... Joker, what a laugh!
We get off, in one of the five centers of the neighbouring municipality. Here I am faced with a challenge of another sort. As you may, or may not know, the Rumanian minority of Romanis have populated our streets as beggers in the past 2-3 years. Politicians are going beserk because they do not know how to handle this problem - Finland has not had beggars in decades, so this is a hot topic in contemporary politics. Well, there in the center of the neighbouring municipality I am confronted with the question of why this lady is sitting on the street. First observation was that why did she not have a table? And then just why was she sitting on the ground. I truly did not know how to explain the issue to my companions. Still thinking about it. But that all of them were pondering these questions just shows that none of these four kids are not exposed to city life all that often...Sound childhood.
We got to the theater. Children sat still for the whole one hour show, listened and laughed. I take that as a success. Ok, correction; three kids sat as small candles; we had one hooligan in the group, but I bribed him with raisins (all part of my grand slam plan) and he kept rocking quietly through out the show. After the theater; the holy mess of lunch time. Will not go into details; main thing is that the kids did get lunch and lets leave the mess out of the story. But just to be precise; the mess did originate from the same raisin drugged rocker, no one else to be blamed, and I put that on the account of his young age...kind of like the behaviour of the young Finnish ice hockey players, did not know that his was acting against the code of conduct...
The return trip was a true joy; rocker passed out soon after entering the bus, rest of the gang were allowed to sit in seats where they could look out the window. This was a smart move as that did guarantee that no one else would fall asleep during the snail ride. I was a bit worried about having to push a stroller and carry at least two sleeping three year olds on my shoulders... no thank you. Here I have to add that at this point we had developed some disagreement on who had the right to stand on the buggy board. Was it the oldest? Was it the second youngest? Or was it the rightous owner of the board? We solved it by testing the weight resistance of the board; two girls standing on it and one gentleman walking by my side.
And to finish our adventures I promised some ice cream once back home. This way I got them to cooperate all the way up to the fourth floor. The rest of the afternoon we spent playing fruit market (selling fruits and lorries for 5, 10, 25 moneys each) and royal castle (with creative princess costumes, decorations and royal toys - hubby's football medal). And yes, I also let them watch both an Astrid Lindgren movie and Ice Age 3. All on the request of the visitors.
This is how you can have an excellent day in the company of four preschoolers. I am happy I put myself up for this challenge. Cheers to my own and the borrowed patiperros chicos!
And for all of those with preschoolers in Helsinki region: go tomorrow and see Krakel Spektakel in Louhisalen/Tapiola. It was loads of fun and I think both Swedish and Finnish speaking kids can enjoy the show!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Our Piggish Sea
I saw a documentary on SvtPlay the other day. And it has been in my mind ever since. It was so alarming that I cannot get it out of my mind. And the saddest part of it all is that I was already aware of these things... its just that my mind had not been confronted with the visual images. And now I cannot get it out of my mind. It feels like the documentary destroyed all my planned sunny beach days this summer.
The program was about the Baltic Sea and its poor environmental status. It was about the regulations and the goals among the countries around the Baltic Sea to stop polluting the sea and then the real world images. The program showed a Polish village, off the coast of the Baltic Sea, a local villager (the only one to agree to be interviewed, a young lady) that does not swim in the local lakes, and the reason why she does not do it: A tremendous swine farm (owners from Unites States) who spread out the swine's "leftovers" all over the fields, in amounts that are not allowed. Nobody cared , except a "crazy" old man calling around trying to get the police to intervene. And it gets worse... in Belarus, a country that is not even on the Baltic Sea coastal line, there swine and poultry production is booming. But do you think they have been building any treatment facilities in this authoritarian state? Nope, still the old goldies from communist times... Capacity long overexceeded. Then to our nextdoor neighbour, Northern Europe's Venice: St Petersburg. Good news: the city of 5 million inhabitants nowadays clean their waste water instead of letting it poor directly into the Baltic Sea. Halleluja, and thanks to Nordic investment funds for such progress. But does this help when in the outskirts of the city the poultry business is booming and these facilities, among the largest in the world (!!!), just ship off the shitty leftovers into nearby forests, contaminating all rivers running out into the Baltic Sea.
It feels hopeless to see the reaction of the local business leaders. Enviromental values is not even a concept in their world. Some of them say that fish die, not because of too many nutrients in the water, but actually too little!!! Others blame the EU... European competitors get funds from EU to build treatment facilities while these Russian entrepreneurs cannot afford such investments, poor as they are...and probably unprofitable as well. Politicians do something! Then today I hear a Russian old lady say to the news that she does not care to vote, because her opinion does not count. This comment had nothing to do with the documentary but it still made me understand that I cannot count on the Russian politicians (nor the Belarus or the Polish) to do something about this disaster that is turning our beautiful sea into a stinking pond of shit.
So who can do something? Why do we have international agreements if some countries literally do not give a shit about them? And why do Finnish and Swedish summer cottage owners have to do expensive investments in their wastewater treatment if that is just a tiny tiny tiny part of the whole problem. It just makes me so sad.
You can see the program here: Vårt grisiga hav.
The program was about the Baltic Sea and its poor environmental status. It was about the regulations and the goals among the countries around the Baltic Sea to stop polluting the sea and then the real world images. The program showed a Polish village, off the coast of the Baltic Sea, a local villager (the only one to agree to be interviewed, a young lady) that does not swim in the local lakes, and the reason why she does not do it: A tremendous swine farm (owners from Unites States) who spread out the swine's "leftovers" all over the fields, in amounts that are not allowed. Nobody cared , except a "crazy" old man calling around trying to get the police to intervene. And it gets worse... in Belarus, a country that is not even on the Baltic Sea coastal line, there swine and poultry production is booming. But do you think they have been building any treatment facilities in this authoritarian state? Nope, still the old goldies from communist times... Capacity long overexceeded. Then to our nextdoor neighbour, Northern Europe's Venice: St Petersburg. Good news: the city of 5 million inhabitants nowadays clean their waste water instead of letting it poor directly into the Baltic Sea. Halleluja, and thanks to Nordic investment funds for such progress. But does this help when in the outskirts of the city the poultry business is booming and these facilities, among the largest in the world (!!!), just ship off the shitty leftovers into nearby forests, contaminating all rivers running out into the Baltic Sea.
It feels hopeless to see the reaction of the local business leaders. Enviromental values is not even a concept in their world. Some of them say that fish die, not because of too many nutrients in the water, but actually too little!!! Others blame the EU... European competitors get funds from EU to build treatment facilities while these Russian entrepreneurs cannot afford such investments, poor as they are...and probably unprofitable as well. Politicians do something! Then today I hear a Russian old lady say to the news that she does not care to vote, because her opinion does not count. This comment had nothing to do with the documentary but it still made me understand that I cannot count on the Russian politicians (nor the Belarus or the Polish) to do something about this disaster that is turning our beautiful sea into a stinking pond of shit.
So who can do something? Why do we have international agreements if some countries literally do not give a shit about them? And why do Finnish and Swedish summer cottage owners have to do expensive investments in their wastewater treatment if that is just a tiny tiny tiny part of the whole problem. It just makes me so sad.
You can see the program here: Vårt grisiga hav.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
We have a programfree day today, me and G. First since many months. And we are both disoriented. We've been lucky to have program every morning ever since we returned from Chile in March. I can hardly imagine myself on maternity leave sheparding a one year old in an empty playground every morning and taking care of the household every afternoon. I would not survive. Luckily we have Alice and we have also had the singing hours organized by the church.
But the biggest challenge is still ahead; a whole programfree summer, together with both kids! Luckily the Helsinki parks offer lunch to the kids...
But the biggest challenge is still ahead; a whole programfree summer, together with both kids! Luckily the Helsinki parks offer lunch to the kids...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Chile - el mejor país de América Latina...
Soy una típica gringa llegando a Chile por la puerta ancha de Plaza Italia para arriba. He gozado del país, su belleza, su amable recogida y especialmente he gozado del país porque como el Presidente Ricardo Lagos decía en la época cuando yo llegué a Chile; las insituciones funcionan. He tenido mi dinero en fondos mutuos con una rentabilidad arriba de 10% anual, he podido confiar en el sistema bancario, he podido confiar en los contratos de arriendo y he podido tener trabajos interesantes, integrada en el sistema economica del país. He vivido en un barrio tranquilo y pasado mi tiempo libre en los malls de los barrios altos, en los centros de esqui o en la playa de los cuicos.
Desde cuando llegué a Chile me ha parecido absurdo la cantidad de protestas que surgen cada año, y protestas violentas, especialmente de los estudiantes y de los mapuches. La media ha mostrado protestas violentas donde la policia está calmando la gente con chorros de agua y gas lágrimogeno. Nunca lo reflecioné en su momento pero sutilmente tenía la sensación de que es algo que no funciona aquí. Los chilenos que me recogen tan amablemente y que son tan tranquilos a su aparecia se convierten en verdaderas bestias al salir a la calle a protestar por sus causas justas. Como a mi el presidente Lagos parecía como un viejo inteligente, y además el país estaba desarrollando a un ritmo notable y la gente parecía mejorar su estandard de vida cada año (pasando todo su tiempo libre el los mall gastando su dinero ganado) yo tenía problemas de entender para que tenían que salir a quejarse en la calle. Por que no conformarse con el sistema y sacar los beneficios que este país les está ofreciendo? Porque no buscar soluciones a los problemas a dentro del sistema en vez de tirar coctail molotov en la calle? Me parecia bastante contraproductivo la actitud de los manifestantes.
Bueno, llevé varios años en el país. Después de un rato conocí a gente que no eran extranjeros expatriados ni habian crecido en Plaza Italia para arriba. Comencé a ver el otro lado del desarrollo pero aún asi sin entender las conexiones. Me tomó hasta ahora, 10 años, para entender (gracias Hidroaysén). Parece que las manifestaciones de los ciudadanos muchas veces son respondidas con chorros de agua y gas lágrimogeno para convertir la causa en algo sucio, en algo que la mayoria de la gente rechaza por ser originados por "buscaproblemas". Asi se maneja la opinion publica. Asi los politicos no necesitan enfrentar las demandas verdaderas de los ciudadanos. Así el módelo economico, creado durante el gobierno militar, puede seguir floreciendo, ofreciendo un puerto seguro para inversiones locales y extranjeros y asi se mantiene el imagen de un país exitoso en todo tipo de ranking de desarrollo y modernidad. Pero la expresion de la ciudadanía, la transiscion a la democracia - se veía todo bien en el papel - elecciones, partidos de diferentes expresiones (debatible, yo sé), discusiones abiertas... pero la voz verdadera de la ciudadania, esa queda ahogada en el chaos de los chorros de agua y de gas en las confrotaciones entre manifestantes y carabineros.
Y si, creo que este manejo es mas obvio ahora con Piñera como presidente, pero pensando en la transmision de imagenes de años anteriores no puedo darle descanso ni a Bachelet ni a Lagos. Todos han beneficiado de la misma técnica. Puede ser que no ha sido manejado desde la base del gobierno, de repente son los carabineros que siguen idenpendientemente usando tácticas creadas durante el gobierno militar. Sin embargo, no se puede negar que el efecto médiatico que esto ha producido ha beneficiado a los politicos y al sistema oficial. Pero me pregunto; van a poder realizar el mega proyecto de Hidroaysén si los protestas de los ciudadanos no se dejen callar ni por gases ni chorros de agua? Interesantísimo. Voy a seguir observando el fenómeno...desde el otro lado del mundo.
Desde cuando llegué a Chile me ha parecido absurdo la cantidad de protestas que surgen cada año, y protestas violentas, especialmente de los estudiantes y de los mapuches. La media ha mostrado protestas violentas donde la policia está calmando la gente con chorros de agua y gas lágrimogeno. Nunca lo reflecioné en su momento pero sutilmente tenía la sensación de que es algo que no funciona aquí. Los chilenos que me recogen tan amablemente y que son tan tranquilos a su aparecia se convierten en verdaderas bestias al salir a la calle a protestar por sus causas justas. Como a mi el presidente Lagos parecía como un viejo inteligente, y además el país estaba desarrollando a un ritmo notable y la gente parecía mejorar su estandard de vida cada año (pasando todo su tiempo libre el los mall gastando su dinero ganado) yo tenía problemas de entender para que tenían que salir a quejarse en la calle. Por que no conformarse con el sistema y sacar los beneficios que este país les está ofreciendo? Porque no buscar soluciones a los problemas a dentro del sistema en vez de tirar coctail molotov en la calle? Me parecia bastante contraproductivo la actitud de los manifestantes.
Bueno, llevé varios años en el país. Después de un rato conocí a gente que no eran extranjeros expatriados ni habian crecido en Plaza Italia para arriba. Comencé a ver el otro lado del desarrollo pero aún asi sin entender las conexiones. Me tomó hasta ahora, 10 años, para entender (gracias Hidroaysén). Parece que las manifestaciones de los ciudadanos muchas veces son respondidas con chorros de agua y gas lágrimogeno para convertir la causa en algo sucio, en algo que la mayoria de la gente rechaza por ser originados por "buscaproblemas". Asi se maneja la opinion publica. Asi los politicos no necesitan enfrentar las demandas verdaderas de los ciudadanos. Así el módelo economico, creado durante el gobierno militar, puede seguir floreciendo, ofreciendo un puerto seguro para inversiones locales y extranjeros y asi se mantiene el imagen de un país exitoso en todo tipo de ranking de desarrollo y modernidad. Pero la expresion de la ciudadanía, la transiscion a la democracia - se veía todo bien en el papel - elecciones, partidos de diferentes expresiones (debatible, yo sé), discusiones abiertas... pero la voz verdadera de la ciudadania, esa queda ahogada en el chaos de los chorros de agua y de gas en las confrotaciones entre manifestantes y carabineros.
Y si, creo que este manejo es mas obvio ahora con Piñera como presidente, pero pensando en la transmision de imagenes de años anteriores no puedo darle descanso ni a Bachelet ni a Lagos. Todos han beneficiado de la misma técnica. Puede ser que no ha sido manejado desde la base del gobierno, de repente son los carabineros que siguen idenpendientemente usando tácticas creadas durante el gobierno militar. Sin embargo, no se puede negar que el efecto médiatico que esto ha producido ha beneficiado a los politicos y al sistema oficial. Pero me pregunto; van a poder realizar el mega proyecto de Hidroaysén si los protestas de los ciudadanos no se dejen callar ni por gases ni chorros de agua? Interesantísimo. Voy a seguir observando el fenómeno...desde el otro lado del mundo.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Diana, Mohamed and Oskar
I just had a nice Saturday afternoon siesta. You just got to love it when the whole bunch decides to sleep at the same time, in the middle of the day, without any fuzz. Well, the fuzz we had in the morning, two very cranky kids and the same goes for the supposedly two adults in the family. Good thing we got to neutralize that state of emergency. There is still hope for the remaining part of the day (and I am still wearing a pyjama, may I add...14:29 on the computer clock).
To start of the new beginning of the day I log into Finnish prime news source; Iltalehti and what do I fid out...there are three names in the headline news that linger in my mind.
Paradise Oskar is having a hectic day down in Dusseldorf. Hardly any sleep. But that's no problem for him, he is not competing anyway. Its just a festival. I like his attitude, actually more than his song, and that is why I hope he'll do well in tonights Eurovision song contest. Go dam dam dam, or what was the songs name again?
Then we have the new revealing documentary on Diana. It wasn't an accident, it was a set up and it was her father-in-law that arranged it all. As a true believer of conspiracy theories, my first reaction is that this documentary director is probably right. I can't see how the English monarchy would be so alive and kicking if it wasn't for the fact that Diana has been dead for over 14 years now. They were the ones to gain from her death. ´But the question is, who cares and who truly believes? Its been 3 weeks since half of the world was preoccupied with the royal wedding of the year. And to finish of my reflections on this theme I'll link a nice picture that is circulating on FB these days. Due natural development stages this family is currently a Disney Princess movie junky and I found this picture more than amusing. Well, the word natural in front of development can be debated, my conspiracy instinct says its much more about Disney's successful child marketing campaign...
And so the last topic from Iltalehti; Mohamed. No, not Diana's lover but Mohamed as in a Finnish citizen taking a cruise to Estonia the other day, and almost being brutally strangled by a drunk off-duty security guard. Because "the True Finns are right, you damn Somalis do not belong in this country". Luckily the other cruise passangers managed to get the beast off poor Mohammed, who by the has been living 22 years in Finland and is working as a store manager somewhere in Finland. But hello!!! Finland wake up!!! We need to do something about this, it can't continue. I have already heard of more than five more or less serious incidents since the election. For me it is not a question of whether the aggressions are serious, dangerous or less serious, dangerous. For me it is about respect for other human beings and the basic understanding that you do not hurt others. This is what I try to teach even my one year old. What is wrong in this society when an adult man with the profession of security guard (!) thinks its ok to strangle another adult man just because the True Finns gained votes in the elections! First of all, I find it very alarming that the guy is a security guard when not drunk on a cruise to Estonia. How are his primitive instincts refelcted when on guard? I just wonder. Secondly, Finns are known to turn aggressive when having a beer or two, so how many more of these stories exist out there but they just have not been told to the public. Let the public know abuot these things! Take these idiots to court! Make sure they are marked for life. That is the only way stop this train, make these idiots understand that they are the ones who have the wrong attitudes, they are the ones who (by law) will have to change!
To finish of in a positive spirit, I return to Paradise Oskar's lyrics about the smart little Peter:
I’m going out in the world to save our planet
And I ain’t comin back until she’s saved
I’ll walk my way to see the King and parliament
If they don’t help I’ll do it by myself
Good luck Peter and Paradise Oskar! What the world needs is more of your sort of people!
To start of the new beginning of the day I log into Finnish prime news source; Iltalehti and what do I fid out...there are three names in the headline news that linger in my mind.
Paradise Oskar is having a hectic day down in Dusseldorf. Hardly any sleep. But that's no problem for him, he is not competing anyway. Its just a festival. I like his attitude, actually more than his song, and that is why I hope he'll do well in tonights Eurovision song contest. Go dam dam dam, or what was the songs name again?
Then we have the new revealing documentary on Diana. It wasn't an accident, it was a set up and it was her father-in-law that arranged it all. As a true believer of conspiracy theories, my first reaction is that this documentary director is probably right. I can't see how the English monarchy would be so alive and kicking if it wasn't for the fact that Diana has been dead for over 14 years now. They were the ones to gain from her death. ´But the question is, who cares and who truly believes? Its been 3 weeks since half of the world was preoccupied with the royal wedding of the year. And to finish of my reflections on this theme I'll link a nice picture that is circulating on FB these days. Due natural development stages this family is currently a Disney Princess movie junky and I found this picture more than amusing. Well, the word natural in front of development can be debated, my conspiracy instinct says its much more about Disney's successful child marketing campaign...
And so the last topic from Iltalehti; Mohamed. No, not Diana's lover but Mohamed as in a Finnish citizen taking a cruise to Estonia the other day, and almost being brutally strangled by a drunk off-duty security guard. Because "the True Finns are right, you damn Somalis do not belong in this country". Luckily the other cruise passangers managed to get the beast off poor Mohammed, who by the has been living 22 years in Finland and is working as a store manager somewhere in Finland. But hello!!! Finland wake up!!! We need to do something about this, it can't continue. I have already heard of more than five more or less serious incidents since the election. For me it is not a question of whether the aggressions are serious, dangerous or less serious, dangerous. For me it is about respect for other human beings and the basic understanding that you do not hurt others. This is what I try to teach even my one year old. What is wrong in this society when an adult man with the profession of security guard (!) thinks its ok to strangle another adult man just because the True Finns gained votes in the elections! First of all, I find it very alarming that the guy is a security guard when not drunk on a cruise to Estonia. How are his primitive instincts refelcted when on guard? I just wonder. Secondly, Finns are known to turn aggressive when having a beer or two, so how many more of these stories exist out there but they just have not been told to the public. Let the public know abuot these things! Take these idiots to court! Make sure they are marked for life. That is the only way stop this train, make these idiots understand that they are the ones who have the wrong attitudes, they are the ones who (by law) will have to change!
To finish of in a positive spirit, I return to Paradise Oskar's lyrics about the smart little Peter:
I’m going out in the world to save our planet
And I ain’t comin back until she’s saved
I’ll walk my way to see the King and parliament
If they don’t help I’ll do it by myself
Good luck Peter and Paradise Oskar! What the world needs is more of your sort of people!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
happy day
La patiperra is still here. She has just been busy with other things... very busy. Now there is so many things that still should be done... like cleaning the windows, making G:s first year in picutre book, making the daycare picture book, organize the mess at home, making Chile picture book, see friends, get ready for the 10 k run that I signed up for with a gang of other mothers in the neighborhood...and this would be on top of those normal daily choirs that keep me busy from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Don't really feel like doing any of those things right now...
But today has been a good day. I finished early at the library and went for a run before I went to pick up G from the park. He is so cute at the park. Looks so big already, jumps in and out of the sand box, helps other kids (girls) to swing the swing, runs around with the big tractors. It makes me happy to see my son enjoying himself in the park.
Later we went to a mall - yes a mall. I have not been even near a mall after our Chile trip. But I had a long list of things to do and we were out of the place in less than 30 minutes.
We picked up A at daycare and this is were I cut of 1,5h of the "good day story" and just say that we were all happy again just in time for Buu-klubben on tv. I might blog about strong independently thinking daugthers at some point, but not today, not even that could ruin my day.
I sat in the sun on the balcony for a while, just happy, I have a lovely hubby (unfortenately traveling this week), I have two adorable kids and we live in such a beautiful place. Might be that the stairs are driving me crazy and the bathroom is minimal, but I like it here and that's what is important!Happiness is not measured in squaremeters.
Some other day I'll have a more clear blog. Today I am just very relaxed.
But today has been a good day. I finished early at the library and went for a run before I went to pick up G from the park. He is so cute at the park. Looks so big already, jumps in and out of the sand box, helps other kids (girls) to swing the swing, runs around with the big tractors. It makes me happy to see my son enjoying himself in the park.
Later we went to a mall - yes a mall. I have not been even near a mall after our Chile trip. But I had a long list of things to do and we were out of the place in less than 30 minutes.
We picked up A at daycare and this is were I cut of 1,5h of the "good day story" and just say that we were all happy again just in time for Buu-klubben on tv. I might blog about strong independently thinking daugthers at some point, but not today, not even that could ruin my day.
I sat in the sun on the balcony for a while, just happy, I have a lovely hubby (unfortenately traveling this week), I have two adorable kids and we live in such a beautiful place. Might be that the stairs are driving me crazy and the bathroom is minimal, but I like it here and that's what is important!Happiness is not measured in squaremeters.
Some other day I'll have a more clear blog. Today I am just very relaxed.
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