Monday, July 25, 2011

Changing lifestyle - part two

Ok, so I have now read two books on how to live a rich, healthy and energetic life as a mother of small children (or how the whole family can do this). Both books are excellent and have much wisdom in their message.

The food part is starting to be under control. And I would say that this is really the starting point - because with sugar overload everything seems impossible. Now, I only need to get hubby introduced to some of the new cookings, but that should be rather easy as I have come to realize that this is surprisingly easy, once the ingredients are readily available at home.

What about the rest? Focus on what I am doing, not do 100 things at the same time, let go of the control, less time in front of telly/on internet, more time sleeping, more time connected with kids and hubby, and more time out in the track, running.

After having read the chapter on "family training" in Mauritson's book Kärnfrisk familj and the chapter on "booth camp for mothers" in Hoffer's Wise Choice, there is really no excuse to why I should not go out running tomorrow evening. So my goal is to run to Pilates and back - there, 4 km running and 1 hour heavy deep abdominal training. Just what I need... and then for the rest of the week, I'd better start making work out plans as well. Get my mind mentalized.

Now, I also need to get deconnected from here. This will be done by shifting back to an old telephone of mine. You see, I am the first to admit being addicted to surfing on my telephone. The timing of wireless and smart phone could not have come at a more convenient time for me. Just as I became a mother of two and was sentenced to a life at home, the world opened itself virtually, where ever I was. Its been a lifesaver for this ultra-social mother, to stay connected with friends outside the home through Facebook and other places. But it is time to let go. And I hope switching telephones will get me off this addiction. I sense true freedom in the air!

I would also like to get rid of the telly. I have come to hate the nagging discussions on watching kids programs instead of eating breakfast in the morning... But here I cannot decide alone. Hubby has the right to watch what he wants, after all he pays the tv license. No, I will have to deal with that temptation without getting rid of the source.

Then the rest; letting go of the control etc will have to wait until I let go of the kids (daycare in the fall and me off on own adventures, savior!) Then I will work on not watching hubby's back 24-7. Well, in my defense I have to say that I do not check if his toothbrush has been used (as did one of the books' author).... that must mean that I am not a complete control freak, right?

I have also come to learn about chemicals and what they can do to our body. Thanks to a FB-discussion back in November, I have already cleared most harmful cosmetics and hairproducts of the shelf. And believe it or not, but there are fewer products needed when the chemicals are less... Kind of like the carbs, they get you hooked so that you'll consume more. And on top of it all, its harmful. I still have to do something about our cleaning gear but on the other hand, as we rarely get as far as deep cleaning our floor or wiping off our silver, its not maybe that bad when the dosis is small...And I have the knowledge on lemon, baking powder and vinegar cleaning, I just have not come around to it yet.

The sleep part is also on top of the list. In bed by 10 p.m. I will try my best and it should be doable once I get the telly and the internet out of my system. Which reminds me... I am already 2 hours late. Good night you all! I'll go and sleep tight now.


Lena said...

I'm encouraging to read about your experiences. It all makes me question our meal habits and how much of the kids' tantrums are due to sugar overload... Maybe it's time for some spinach in our house too.

Glad you're making progress!

Lena said...

I'm encouraging to read about your experiences. It all makes me question our meal habits and how much of the kids' tantrums are due to sugar overload... Maybe it's time for some spinach in our house too.

Glad you're making progress!

Lena said...

It's encouraging.

Lena said...

Whenever I try to post a comment here, I end up posting four. Sorry about that.

Mia said...

I like your committment! :-) Do try, it is absolutely worth far at least!