It's been a while since I decided this. It should not come as a surprise but I am going to take a break from my second me. Patiperra will have to go into standby mode as the real me starts her new life.
I need to be focused on my tasks ahead, and walking around thinking of funny anecdotes to post on my blog just does not do the trick. Besides, my thoughts are getting far more involved in finding out the true story about what we eat than what my brain capacity can keep up with. I am thrilled and at the same time agonized by what I have discovered not only through our family's own experience of a "wise choice" life but also through similar blogs and scientific studies that I have come across, by accident or by real research. This stuff is heavy. It keeps me up at night, together with G, who suddenly decided to go into some sort of development stage - just in time for when the big ditch at daycare will take place. Talk about bad timing, this mother is feeling the guilt instincts, small children are not supposed to be separated from their mothers, I know. And he is still so small. Tiny, tiny.
Still, the ambitious vein in my blood is pumping. Who would have ever thought that I would survive even this long as a staying at home mom? First 13 months with the first one and now 22 months with the second. I feel proud of my accomplishments. Why? Because I am not the staying at home kind of mother. I grew up firmly convinced that my adult life would be spent in a stressful environment with many job related challenges. I never ever thought of myself rocking the swing, building sand castles, preparing five meals a day. And those of you who know me before I became a mother can probably agree on this one. Seing myself turning into a "domestic goddess" has so far been the biggest surprise of my life (even bigger than marrying a latino, which should say a lot about how big of a surprise this was). And no, my priorities have not changed (which many have insinuated when asking about my preferences). I still believe that my life needs to be in balance between the home and the outside world. Its just that it was simplier this way and we all gained from this arrangement.
But time has come for me to embrace new challenges. And for me to do that I have get a distance to Patiperra, and to Facebook. At least for a while. Then, once I get the hang of my new life, I might return.
Until then, hasta la vista baby!
Monday, August 29, 2011
The c-vitamine smoothie (and a lot more)
I tried mixing some new ingredients into an exotic colorful smoothie yesterday. Since the result was more than a success (remember, successful smoothie = G drinks two glasses, A drinks one) - I had to make an extra batch to satisfy the demand - I will share this new recipee with those of you who would like to try.
4 dl rice milk
2 table spoons protein powder
2 table spoons flaxseed oil
4 carrots
0,5 dl sea buckthornberry juice
1-1,5 bananas
2 table spoons sesame seeds
Peel and shred the carrots into raw mashed carrots, using the smallest shredder you have. Mix all ingredients in a mixer for over one minute (so that the sesame seeds are well mixed into the smoothie). The amount of banans needed will depend on the amount of buckthorn juice added to the mixture, as buckthorn is quite sour.
4 dl rice milk
2 table spoons protein powder
2 table spoons flaxseed oil
4 carrots
0,5 dl sea buckthornberry juice
1-1,5 bananas
2 table spoons sesame seeds
Peel and shred the carrots into raw mashed carrots, using the smallest shredder you have. Mix all ingredients in a mixer for over one minute (so that the sesame seeds are well mixed into the smoothie). The amount of banans needed will depend on the amount of buckthorn juice added to the mixture, as buckthorn is quite sour.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Ok, so there are a lot of obese kids in this world nowadays. But is it really necessary to write a children's book about how to go on a diet?
What signals does that give all those skinny girls that think that they are fat and overdo it? The thought scares me.
One thing that I do worry about (yes, the hysterical mother syndrome - HMS - even I suffer from it) is what my kids will do once they hit their teens. This book does not bring any comfort. Crazy adults that buy such book to kids!
What signals does that give all those skinny girls that think that they are fat and overdo it? The thought scares me.
One thing that I do worry about (yes, the hysterical mother syndrome - HMS - even I suffer from it) is what my kids will do once they hit their teens. This book does not bring any comfort. Crazy adults that buy such book to kids!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Läs instruktionerna.
Argh, om man sku läsa instruktionerna så sku man inte slösa bort en hel produktiv dag på att göra fel saker!!!
Men ok, i alla fall har jag ju fixat ett par regnbyxor. Får väl vara nöjd med det. Är ju ändå fortfarande hemmamamma och inget annat. Ett par dagar till.
Men ok, i alla fall har jag ju fixat ett par regnbyxor. Får väl vara nöjd med det. Är ju ändå fortfarande hemmamamma och inget annat. Ett par dagar till.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
...kan jag stoltsera med inte bara ett men TVÅ trotsande barn. Det ni, det kräver nerver. Och muskler. I båda armarna.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Stora saker...
...är på gång i vår familjs andra hemland. Och jag har länge undrat varför finsk media inte klarat av att bevaka händelserna. Stum av förvåning egentligen. Tänk så mycket medial uppmärksamhet 33 gruvarbetare fick. Nu har hundratusentals studenter protesterat i över tre månader, och inte ens en notis. Smått suspekt, eller hur?
Igår samlades 600.000 personer i en park i Santiago. Orsaken? Man vill ha ett jämlikare skolsystem. Helt rätt, säger en som analyserat fördelarna att bilda familj i Chile och Finland. Slutresultaten var ju som känt Finland och en av de största stötestenarna var just utbildningen. Orimligt dyrt där i vårt andra hemland, där vinstmarginalen, inte kunskap, är kärnan i många universitets verksamhet.
Demostrationen igår påminner mig om folkmassorna från Madonnas konsert i Helsinfors för två år sedan. Jo jag vet, jämförelsen är absurd. Men det är enda gången jag varit med om en liknande folksamling. Och då var vi ju bara 80.000. Men det här, vilken happening! Och mer är på kommande, det kan jag nästan slå mig i backen på. Chile är Molotov-cocktailens och tårgasens förlovade land. Men igår tycks det ha gått fredligt till.
Här ännu ett clip från youtube:
Med risk för att bli tjatig...
Ok, jag vet att jag håller på att bli tjatig. Men om ni inte är intresserade, så läs inte!
Surfade just av en händelse in på Anna Halléns blog. Hon var den som inspirerade mig till LCHF dieten i höstas när jag första gången testade (gick ju om intet efter någon månad då julen och julchokon kom lite olägligt). Hennes story inspirerade mig något alldeles oerhört. Trots att jag aldrig jojo-bantat eller behövt gå med i viktväktarna för att bli av med mina extra kilon kunde jag identifiera mig i mycket av det hon sa om hennes beroende till socker och snabba kolhydrater i unga år.
Nu har hon en nyt bok: LCHF för kvinnor. Fast jag inte är en LCHF:are mera så skulle jag bra gärna vilja veta vad hon har för recept i den boken. Hennes blomkålsmos har nästan helt ersatt potatismos hemma hos oss och jag är säker på att hon har fler smarta tips.
Det som verkligen fångade min uppmärksamhet är att hon verkar vara något av "stor" på att föreläsa om socker och speciellt socker och barn. Alltså det jag bloggade om igår. Det min hjärna inte vill släppa, trots att jag försöker. Detta med socker och barn.
Här två mycket läsvärda blogginlägg från Anna Hallén (som på samma gång åker in på min blogglista):
- Är socker farligt?
- Vad kan socker heta
Det är just detta om sockrets bedragande beroendeframkallning som oroar mig. Vår överkonsumtion för att våra kroppar inte tål bara lite. Detta gäller vuxna och barn. Och som ni ser i hennes andra blogginlägg tar sockret många skäpnader på innehållsförteckningen.
Idag sprang jag in till Alepa och hämtade en nedfryst fisksoppa till lunch för mig och G. Visste att det inte fanns något hemma och att det skulle bli katastrof om jag började röra ihop något snabbt just före kl tolv. Jag lade i lite extra vatten och några dagar gammal quinoa för att jämna ut den eventuella effekten av saltig och näringsfatting industrisoppa. Tänkte, det är ok, soppan smakade ju absolut inte sött och lite potis tål väl vem som helst. När vi ätit kollade jag innehållsförteckningen. Två suspekta ingredienser: modifierad majsstärkelse och förtjockningsmedel i form av fruktkärnmjöl. Ja och sen mjölkpulver, även det suspekt. Majsstärkelse är socker. Kollar ni innehållsförteckningar så kommer ni att märka att mycket innehåller majsstärkelse. Och de som vill låtsas vara sockerfria brukar använda sig av "fruktjuice" - kanske t.o.m. "fruktens egen juice" (som konserverad ananas) - det är ändå en form av socker, precis som Anna Hallen konstaterar.
Jag är överlycklig att vi äntligen ska storkoka nyttig vardagsmat med ett gäng mammor - äntligen får man en stor dos nyttig mat att frysa ner för just dessa tillfällen av vardagsstress! Min countdown har börjat. Om en vecka är jag inte mera mamma på heltid. Drömmen om ett annat liv utanför hemmet ska äntligen bli sann. För att jag ska kunna genomföra den och för att vi ska kunna fortsätta äta sockerfritt utan katastrofer behöver vi fylla frysen med näringsrik hemlagad mat.
Surfade just av en händelse in på Anna Halléns blog. Hon var den som inspirerade mig till LCHF dieten i höstas när jag första gången testade (gick ju om intet efter någon månad då julen och julchokon kom lite olägligt). Hennes story inspirerade mig något alldeles oerhört. Trots att jag aldrig jojo-bantat eller behövt gå med i viktväktarna för att bli av med mina extra kilon kunde jag identifiera mig i mycket av det hon sa om hennes beroende till socker och snabba kolhydrater i unga år.
Nu har hon en nyt bok: LCHF för kvinnor. Fast jag inte är en LCHF:are mera så skulle jag bra gärna vilja veta vad hon har för recept i den boken. Hennes blomkålsmos har nästan helt ersatt potatismos hemma hos oss och jag är säker på att hon har fler smarta tips.
Det som verkligen fångade min uppmärksamhet är att hon verkar vara något av "stor" på att föreläsa om socker och speciellt socker och barn. Alltså det jag bloggade om igår. Det min hjärna inte vill släppa, trots att jag försöker. Detta med socker och barn.
Här två mycket läsvärda blogginlägg från Anna Hallén (som på samma gång åker in på min blogglista):
- Är socker farligt?
- Vad kan socker heta
Det är just detta om sockrets bedragande beroendeframkallning som oroar mig. Vår överkonsumtion för att våra kroppar inte tål bara lite. Detta gäller vuxna och barn. Och som ni ser i hennes andra blogginlägg tar sockret många skäpnader på innehållsförteckningen.
Idag sprang jag in till Alepa och hämtade en nedfryst fisksoppa till lunch för mig och G. Visste att det inte fanns något hemma och att det skulle bli katastrof om jag började röra ihop något snabbt just före kl tolv. Jag lade i lite extra vatten och några dagar gammal quinoa för att jämna ut den eventuella effekten av saltig och näringsfatting industrisoppa. Tänkte, det är ok, soppan smakade ju absolut inte sött och lite potis tål väl vem som helst. När vi ätit kollade jag innehållsförteckningen. Två suspekta ingredienser: modifierad majsstärkelse och förtjockningsmedel i form av fruktkärnmjöl. Ja och sen mjölkpulver, även det suspekt. Majsstärkelse är socker. Kollar ni innehållsförteckningar så kommer ni att märka att mycket innehåller majsstärkelse. Och de som vill låtsas vara sockerfria brukar använda sig av "fruktjuice" - kanske t.o.m. "fruktens egen juice" (som konserverad ananas) - det är ändå en form av socker, precis som Anna Hallen konstaterar.
Jag är överlycklig att vi äntligen ska storkoka nyttig vardagsmat med ett gäng mammor - äntligen får man en stor dos nyttig mat att frysa ner för just dessa tillfällen av vardagsstress! Min countdown har börjat. Om en vecka är jag inte mera mamma på heltid. Drömmen om ett annat liv utanför hemmet ska äntligen bli sann. För att jag ska kunna genomföra den och för att vi ska kunna fortsätta äta sockerfritt utan katastrofer behöver vi fylla frysen med näringsrik hemlagad mat.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Getting rid of stuff
My, oh my! This thing about getting rid of stuff! Yesterday morning, at 6:45 a.m. I left home with an overfilled car filled with what I would consider useless stuff, served their purpose, throw'em out. But I didn't. Instead I gave the useless stuff the opportunity to lengthen their lives just a little bit longer. Me and my stuff went to the flee market. Since I had A LOT of stuff, I had reserved both Saturday AND Sunday for this. So also today I left home early (with another load of stuff).
My observations from two days at the market:
1. There is an obnouxious amount of blue Ikea bag owners in this city.
2. To imagine the shopping frenzy that previously must have taken place to cause such amount of Ikea bags filled with useless stuff makes me dizzy.
3. In the future, I will think twice about buying things that nobody else is interested in having after it has served its purpose in our home... (At the end, I even had the desperate feeling of wanting to donate everything that anyone just touched, just to get rid of it all).
The result? Some nice cash inflow to my monthly spendings account (hoooray, more shopping for useless stuff!!!). Some 5-6 bags less of stuff. One bag of children's clothes to be donated to children in Chile when hubby goes next time. Two bags to be dropped of at the recycling center (or UFF). One big bag in storage for the next flee market venture. Because really, despite the early mornings and the hard work, selling at flea markets is great fun!
My observations from two days at the market:
1. There is an obnouxious amount of blue Ikea bag owners in this city.
2. To imagine the shopping frenzy that previously must have taken place to cause such amount of Ikea bags filled with useless stuff makes me dizzy.
3. In the future, I will think twice about buying things that nobody else is interested in having after it has served its purpose in our home... (At the end, I even had the desperate feeling of wanting to donate everything that anyone just touched, just to get rid of it all).
The result? Some nice cash inflow to my monthly spendings account (hoooray, more shopping for useless stuff!!!). Some 5-6 bags less of stuff. One bag of children's clothes to be donated to children in Chile when hubby goes next time. Two bags to be dropped of at the recycling center (or UFF). One big bag in storage for the next flee market venture. Because really, despite the early mornings and the hard work, selling at flea markets is great fun!
Friday, August 19, 2011
"Today I can have juice - because today is a party!"
Its a holy cow this thing about feeding sugar to kids. Or if it is not holy, then it is at least invisible. Wherever you go in our world, sugar will be present in kids daily intake of food. Some places less (I am very grateful that Finland can be considered such place - even attitudes here are quite sane towards sugar and crappy food), some places far more (won't mention places, but let's just say in many parts of the world this is the case). And still, although authorities, parents and other adults here in the north are cautious with feeding their kids pure sugar everyday - sadly enough many still do - and many times without even knowing about it. Or simply because there are no easily available options.
The last thing I want to do is to blame the parents. No way do I want to increase the sense of guilt in any parents. But that's just it! We parents are so busy trying to combine a hectic working life with a family life that when it comes to food, most of us just choose the alternatives that have a proven track record and that do not cause fuzz in our lives. We seldomly have the time to analyze the whole chunk - how we eat, what we eat, and what are the consequences in the long run. This got me thinking the other day...
On Friday, I was sitting in the library's study hall. It's quite empty now - all entrance exams have passed and students are more in mode of entrance party than studying for exams. But there was an exception. Two high school students (boy and girl) preparing for finals (Swedish - hoooray for their wise selection!). What shocked me was the following: It was 9:30 in the morning and they had some readings in front of them AND lollypops, soft drinks and some chocolates. My goodness! I used to be addicted to sugar when in school, but I never had candies before lunch! Not even when preparing for finals. Neither did I drink soft drinks other than at parties. It just did not work like that some 15 years ago...
The same morning there was also an article in the newspaper about the tax increases ahead next year (the debt crisis you know). Not surprisingly, I think the best option for tax increase is the one on candies, icecream and soft drinks. But the article also mentioned how much of these products Finns eat: 14 litres of icecream, 60 litres of softdrinks or juice, and 13,5 kilos of candies - per person. Per person. I can still cope with those 14 litres of icecream, and if chocolate is included in candies I still remotely understand that as well. But 60 litres of soft drinks! And that is an average.. I am quite sure most families and older people of the population do not consume such quantities (we do not drink coke with our dinner, we drink milk or water) , which pretty much leaves one segment of the population having far more than 60 litres of soft drinks per person: those in the age 15-25 years. My logic says that if they are hooked on the sugar already now, consumption can only go up as they hit the reproduction age. Maybe it will not be so uncommon with sweet drinks at the dinner table in a few years...
Where am I going with all this? The other day, I was surprised to hear that the kids sometimes receive juice to their afternoon sandwich at daycare. Both the small and the less small kids. This must be something that the service provider of the daycare food is including in their offering, and since juice for kids is so common, it has not been questioned whether it is ok or not. My wild guess is that juice is cheaper than milk and water would be "too plain" to go with a simple sandwich. This is my wildest guess and I myself do not think water is too plain, it is the best drink we have!
Dentist recommendation in this country is that no younger than three year old should drink sugar sweetened drinks (be it juice or soft drinks)! My own kids have not received juice at home before they started to understand to make a scene out of it. They have received water or milk, and they have been happy with that. Now at 1 year and 8 months G is starting to catch the drill. Note, this would have been our policy me being a anti-sugar freak or not. It is quite common to not to serve juice to small children. And still, municipal daycare can serve juice to our kids without us knowing about it.
Many times, sugar is included in the children's diet so that we make sure that they eat - because otherwise they will not eat. At least that is what we think. They will not eat. Hello! Wake up everyone! They won't eat because they know they can have something sweeter! If you give your kid two options: sandwich and juice or sandwich and water. What will your kid choose? The juice option obviously. Mine would as well. What will your kid actually put in their mouth? Well bet you that at least the juice. Sandwich? Maybe. Maybe not. Probably not if juice fills the tummy and apetite is small anyway. What if only sandwich and water was served? Your kid eats the sandwich and drinks the water needed to rinse it down.
Sugar is such an institution in our society that we do not even reflect on its "to be or not to be". It just is. There. Always available. If it isn't the juice, its the jam. If it isn't the jam, its the industrial blueberry or raspberry soup. If it isn't the soup, it's the fruity yoghurts. If it isn't the yoghurt, its the hot (or cold) chocolate. And on top of that, what parents and other adults really consider being sugar: cookies, candies, icecream - served at special occasions or when having friends over at home. I bet you, the average kid in this enlighted anti-sugar country still consumes some sort of pure sugar every single day of the year.
With a sugar-filled childhood, is it then so strange that these kids go "overboard" once they hit their teens? Is it so strange that kids become obese already in primary school, and loose their will to be physically active? Is it strange that there are more kids with concentration problems in our school today than ever before? And it it so strange that both diabetes 1 and 2 are on the increase. And is it so strange that we consume 60 liters of soft drinks each year?
You might think I am overreacting here. In fact, even I can see that I am overreacting. A glass of juice once in a while will not hurt any child. I agree. However, it's not just that glass of juice, and we all know it. Thus, despite recognizing the overreaction, I can do nothing else when my instincts combined with my accumulated first hand observations just say unanimously: less sugar to kids - cut it out where its unecessary and leave it to really specially occations!
I still remember some years a go a girl in my vecinity, she was two or three, her face used to be a big big smile at parties and she used to tell me with sincerity in her voice: "Today I can have juice - because today is a party". That child had got it all right (compliments to her wise parents). In my world, afternoon snack is consumed everyday, its not part of any festivities, no special occation - it is what I would call "everyday routine".
If you want to know more, have a look at the movie clip "Sugar Trap" from 1986 (!). It's quite spacy as far as the images go - hey, it's from the time when I was a kid... - but the message is more than clear. And sadly enough, nothing has changed, or if it has - it has only gone worse, both here and in the rest of the world...
Sugar trap - Episode 1
Sugar trap - Episode 2
Sugar trap - Episode 3
Sugar trap - Episode 4
Sugar Trap - Episode 5
Sugar Trap - Episode 6
The last thing I want to do is to blame the parents. No way do I want to increase the sense of guilt in any parents. But that's just it! We parents are so busy trying to combine a hectic working life with a family life that when it comes to food, most of us just choose the alternatives that have a proven track record and that do not cause fuzz in our lives. We seldomly have the time to analyze the whole chunk - how we eat, what we eat, and what are the consequences in the long run. This got me thinking the other day...
On Friday, I was sitting in the library's study hall. It's quite empty now - all entrance exams have passed and students are more in mode of entrance party than studying for exams. But there was an exception. Two high school students (boy and girl) preparing for finals (Swedish - hoooray for their wise selection!). What shocked me was the following: It was 9:30 in the morning and they had some readings in front of them AND lollypops, soft drinks and some chocolates. My goodness! I used to be addicted to sugar when in school, but I never had candies before lunch! Not even when preparing for finals. Neither did I drink soft drinks other than at parties. It just did not work like that some 15 years ago...
The same morning there was also an article in the newspaper about the tax increases ahead next year (the debt crisis you know). Not surprisingly, I think the best option for tax increase is the one on candies, icecream and soft drinks. But the article also mentioned how much of these products Finns eat: 14 litres of icecream, 60 litres of softdrinks or juice, and 13,5 kilos of candies - per person. Per person. I can still cope with those 14 litres of icecream, and if chocolate is included in candies I still remotely understand that as well. But 60 litres of soft drinks! And that is an average.. I am quite sure most families and older people of the population do not consume such quantities (we do not drink coke with our dinner, we drink milk or water) , which pretty much leaves one segment of the population having far more than 60 litres of soft drinks per person: those in the age 15-25 years. My logic says that if they are hooked on the sugar already now, consumption can only go up as they hit the reproduction age. Maybe it will not be so uncommon with sweet drinks at the dinner table in a few years...
Where am I going with all this? The other day, I was surprised to hear that the kids sometimes receive juice to their afternoon sandwich at daycare. Both the small and the less small kids. This must be something that the service provider of the daycare food is including in their offering, and since juice for kids is so common, it has not been questioned whether it is ok or not. My wild guess is that juice is cheaper than milk and water would be "too plain" to go with a simple sandwich. This is my wildest guess and I myself do not think water is too plain, it is the best drink we have!
Dentist recommendation in this country is that no younger than three year old should drink sugar sweetened drinks (be it juice or soft drinks)! My own kids have not received juice at home before they started to understand to make a scene out of it. They have received water or milk, and they have been happy with that. Now at 1 year and 8 months G is starting to catch the drill. Note, this would have been our policy me being a anti-sugar freak or not. It is quite common to not to serve juice to small children. And still, municipal daycare can serve juice to our kids without us knowing about it.
Many times, sugar is included in the children's diet so that we make sure that they eat - because otherwise they will not eat. At least that is what we think. They will not eat. Hello! Wake up everyone! They won't eat because they know they can have something sweeter! If you give your kid two options: sandwich and juice or sandwich and water. What will your kid choose? The juice option obviously. Mine would as well. What will your kid actually put in their mouth? Well bet you that at least the juice. Sandwich? Maybe. Maybe not. Probably not if juice fills the tummy and apetite is small anyway. What if only sandwich and water was served? Your kid eats the sandwich and drinks the water needed to rinse it down.
Sugar is such an institution in our society that we do not even reflect on its "to be or not to be". It just is. There. Always available. If it isn't the juice, its the jam. If it isn't the jam, its the industrial blueberry or raspberry soup. If it isn't the soup, it's the fruity yoghurts. If it isn't the yoghurt, its the hot (or cold) chocolate. And on top of that, what parents and other adults really consider being sugar: cookies, candies, icecream - served at special occasions or when having friends over at home. I bet you, the average kid in this enlighted anti-sugar country still consumes some sort of pure sugar every single day of the year.
With a sugar-filled childhood, is it then so strange that these kids go "overboard" once they hit their teens? Is it so strange that kids become obese already in primary school, and loose their will to be physically active? Is it strange that there are more kids with concentration problems in our school today than ever before? And it it so strange that both diabetes 1 and 2 are on the increase. And is it so strange that we consume 60 liters of soft drinks each year?
You might think I am overreacting here. In fact, even I can see that I am overreacting. A glass of juice once in a while will not hurt any child. I agree. However, it's not just that glass of juice, and we all know it. Thus, despite recognizing the overreaction, I can do nothing else when my instincts combined with my accumulated first hand observations just say unanimously: less sugar to kids - cut it out where its unecessary and leave it to really specially occations!
I still remember some years a go a girl in my vecinity, she was two or three, her face used to be a big big smile at parties and she used to tell me with sincerity in her voice: "Today I can have juice - because today is a party". That child had got it all right (compliments to her wise parents). In my world, afternoon snack is consumed everyday, its not part of any festivities, no special occation - it is what I would call "everyday routine".
If you want to know more, have a look at the movie clip "Sugar Trap" from 1986 (!). It's quite spacy as far as the images go - hey, it's from the time when I was a kid... - but the message is more than clear. And sadly enough, nothing has changed, or if it has - it has only gone worse, both here and in the rest of the world...
Sugar trap - Episode 1
Sugar trap - Episode 2
Sugar trap - Episode 3
Sugar trap - Episode 4
Sugar Trap - Episode 5
Sugar Trap - Episode 6
Ice Age
The nice thing about having visited the Natural History Museum yesterday is that I have no bad concious to play the Ice Age dvd in the afternoon. None whatsoever. There is a pedagogical purpose behind it all, we now connect those sceletons and stuffed animals with the true story. Because as much as I would have liked to say yes, we had those animals on our balcony when I was a kid, when A asked if I have ever seen a real dinousaur, they did go extinct just a couple of years before my birth date. Just a couple, yes I am getting old.
And since on the bus back home yesterday I was not able to explain in detail how those animals in the Museum had died, its better that she figures it our herself.
Maybe she'll get the message:
1. Humans are evil.
2. Sid lacks intelligence but he has a warm heart.
3. Manny is a soft macho.
4. Squirrels never loose hope.
And since on the bus back home yesterday I was not able to explain in detail how those animals in the Museum had died, its better that she figures it our herself.
Maybe she'll get the message:
1. Humans are evil.
2. Sid lacks intelligence but he has a warm heart.
3. Manny is a soft macho.
4. Squirrels never loose hope.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Patiperrando en Helsinki (pics in English)
Decidí hacer un poco de turismo en nuestra propia ciudad hoy. Llevé los niños al museo historico natural, que tesoro!!! Digo lo mejor que hay en el centro de Helsinki para niños.

Un poco asustador, pero los niños no mostraban ser afectados (no han visto las peliculas de terror de los Zombies aun...)
Adivina el animal!
Eeeelepanttteeee - como dice G.
This one was underneath the bridge in the Africa wild!
Eeeele Wuaaaaaah (citando G)
A preguntó si alguna vez he visto uno de esos. Qué pregunta! Cuantos años piensa que tengo?!?!
Estos dinos bebes estaban "jugando en la caja de arena", según A. Pero clarísimo!
Y al final salieron (no salimos, yo pase por otra parte) por un tunel de nieve.
Chao pescao!
Excelente el recorrido. Patiperros chicos felices!
Toy Nostalgy (and a small correction)
Look what I found in my toy treasures during our visit in the wild wild west (Actually, Österö - as in "Eastern Island" - hah, never thought about that connection with Rapa Nui, funny!):
I count 1,2,3,4,5 members of the Barbie Family and two bonus kids (a crippled baby boy and punked Daisy - Biggie, you're guilty as well!). So whatever I said earlier about not having had five Barbies when I was a kid, I was lying. I did have them. Only that I got them after a lot of nagging and I was in my pre-teens when I got the first one (the pink business woman, did she influence me in my choice of studies later?!?)
Ok, here is the real nostalgy trip: RESAN!!! (translated into "the trip"). Anyone remembers? It was when traveling in the Nordic countries was common and airplane scares. Check; there are only two routes of flying in the game. Nice that Helsinki is connected, but not to Stockholm, rather to a place closer to the Ryanair airport nowadays... Other funny thing was that the only option to get to Vasa from Tampere was by walking first to Pori and then take a bus. Talk about stone age!
And then this... What game is this?!?! It looks fun and suitable for the audience in our family - but my mother had only saved the board and the cards - no rules. So if anyone out there knows how to play the Paddington game, please leave me a comment below! We will need it by Easter next year - so no hurry.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
3 days...
...that's what it took us to be out of balance in the evening after having started new routines after summer break. Good thing A is home from daycare tomorrow and Friday. Planning to take the kids to the Natural History Museum tomorrow. There is an exhibition about the treasures of Africa. I think they will like it.
Treasures of Africa
Today I promise myself I will go to sleep right after the kids. G woke up at 4:30 this morning and I did not manage to go back to sleep - although hubby was the one that did the calming (my kind mother instinct does not work in the night -it's really safer that hubby uses his "magic touch").
Treasures of Africa
Today I promise myself I will go to sleep right after the kids. G woke up at 4:30 this morning and I did not manage to go back to sleep - although hubby was the one that did the calming (my kind mother instinct does not work in the night -it's really safer that hubby uses his "magic touch").
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Party food pics
Party number 1: 7 girls, age 4 to 5.
Two days...
...of getting up at 6 a.m. and I am completely beat. Guess I have to go bed at 10 p.m. to make it work. But running between 6 and 7 is AMAZING!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Enjoying the silence!
After 10 weeks of constant noise and abruptions its wonderful to sit in a quite house. This must be like being on some kind of euforian drug - but its real! And I won't spoil the moment with writing a long post on my blog - I have 10 weeks of concentration catching up to do. I just wanted to report that the two birthday parties held for the 4 year old yesterday were more than successful. We agreed with A yesterday evening that it was the best day in her life so far. And the rest of us enjoyed it as well. I will try to add some wise choice pics and recipies later, when I have time. Right now - back to concentration mode - you never know when G decides to wake up.
This is what my hun'buns looked like this morning, ready for daycare (and softlanding):
This is what my hun'buns looked like this morning, ready for daycare (and softlanding):

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Kitchen helpers
I've been preparing all day. It would have taken me no more than three hours, but Santa's little helpers were not really helping - and my nerves cut short of their job as well. We actually had to go outside to calm down a bit - the three of us. Otherwise I am not sure what would have happened...dangerous place, the home...
Oh oh, this motherhood business. How do you survive without becoming insane? They say, let the children help in the kitchen. That is what a real Martha does. This Martha does not have such nerves. I get really annoyed everytime I hear or read about how children can help in the kitchen. How? How do you actually do that? My kids only want to play with knives, put their hands on the stove and taste all the ingredients and accidentally dropping them to the floor.
I kind of feel what uncle Melker must have felt when he was babysitting his granddaughter Skrållan: Check this clip - you do not need to understand Swedish to understand his frustration (Relevant part between 9:00 and 11:30):
Oh oh, this motherhood business. How do you survive without becoming insane? They say, let the children help in the kitchen. That is what a real Martha does. This Martha does not have such nerves. I get really annoyed everytime I hear or read about how children can help in the kitchen. How? How do you actually do that? My kids only want to play with knives, put their hands on the stove and taste all the ingredients and accidentally dropping them to the floor.
I kind of feel what uncle Melker must have felt when he was babysitting his granddaughter Skrållan: Check this clip - you do not need to understand Swedish to understand his frustration (Relevant part between 9:00 and 11:30):
Transition mode
On Monday I'll go into a transition mode. I will start structuring my life according to other than children's rythm. I will put on my alarm clock and get up before I really have to. And I will go out and run. There said it. Now I also have to pull it through.... But before that there are two Birthday Parties to attend to... Sugarfree. Or almost.
Friday, August 12, 2011
The sugar guy
Here is another clip of the sugar guy, Robert Lustig.
I wrote about him as I am among the 1,5 million people that saw his 90 minute long clip on youtube called "Sugar - the bitter truth".
I can't follow his scientific talk but those things that I do understand are interesting. Like: Kids go sugarhigh on cookies, its good, then their leptin is working as it should. Obese kids never go sugar high - they go to the cupboard to look for more cookies...Their hormones are not working as they should...
Another great observation:
"when your insuline goes down, you don't crave carbs!" - Excellent hearing an expert saying that, it is my personal experience as well.
By the way, away from Lustig and to my own health....I feel like crap today - we went to eat Indian food. I though I would manage it BUT I had some nan bread and I suspect the different dishes contained wheat flour and other undigestable stuff... bad, bad, bad. Then I craved sweets and unfortunately I made the bad decision today to buy chocolate almonds for the festivities on Sunday. I thought they were low in sugar. Turns out they were very sweet. And that of course made me feel even worse. Still, it was nice to eat out for once and not having to cook... Tomorrow I will wake up with a sugar hangover. Body swelled and headache. Only nuts, avocado and eggs for this lady tomorrow!
I wrote about him as I am among the 1,5 million people that saw his 90 minute long clip on youtube called "Sugar - the bitter truth".
I can't follow his scientific talk but those things that I do understand are interesting. Like: Kids go sugarhigh on cookies, its good, then their leptin is working as it should. Obese kids never go sugar high - they go to the cupboard to look for more cookies...Their hormones are not working as they should...
Another great observation:
"when your insuline goes down, you don't crave carbs!" - Excellent hearing an expert saying that, it is my personal experience as well.
By the way, away from Lustig and to my own health....I feel like crap today - we went to eat Indian food. I though I would manage it BUT I had some nan bread and I suspect the different dishes contained wheat flour and other undigestable stuff... bad, bad, bad. Then I craved sweets and unfortunately I made the bad decision today to buy chocolate almonds for the festivities on Sunday. I thought they were low in sugar. Turns out they were very sweet. And that of course made me feel even worse. Still, it was nice to eat out for once and not having to cook... Tomorrow I will wake up with a sugar hangover. Body swelled and headache. Only nuts, avocado and eggs for this lady tomorrow!
The biking girl
I just remembered that I forgot to blog about the succesful first biking ride.
First of all, she loved her new RED bike. And her new helmet.
Second, she got on the bike, her dad let go, and she biked. Simple as that. We thank the balancing bike for not having to teach her anything else than braking and getting started.
Here a blurry picture (its the speed!):
First of all, she loved her new RED bike. And her new helmet.
Second, she got on the bike, her dad let go, and she biked. Simple as that. We thank the balancing bike for not having to teach her anything else than braking and getting started.
Here a blurry picture (its the speed!):
Thursday, August 11, 2011
La nacion de Bilz y Pap llegando al fin del camino?
Hasta acá llegan las vibraciones de esperanza, despertando despues de años congeladas en una Narnia indefinida.
He conocido Chile en plena democracia. O en algo que los politicos querían llamar democracia. Pero realmente todos saben que lo que se denominaba democracia solo era una fachada. El pueblo unido jamás iba a ser vencido pero se tuvo que calmar contra su voluntad durante más de una década de gobierno militar. Despues supuestamente llegó la democracia, pero una democracia arreglada según reglas de los poderosos de la epoca. Marcaron el terreno y se aseguraron de que el sistema político se mantenia favoreciendo a la derecha. El pueblo se mantenía contento con crecimiento contínuo, con una fiesta de consumo sustituyendo los encuentros en las plazas con malls gigantes y con noticias de fárandula llenando tanto los canales de television y la prensa escrita. Convertiendo la salud, la educacion, y la jubilacion en negocios, obligaron a cada ciudadano olvidarse de sus derechos y concentrarse en ganarse la vida.
Pero ahora llega una nueva generación, una generación que nunca usó su derecho de votar, no porque no le interesaba sino porque no creían el cuento. Esta generación está ahora mostrando el camino. Narnia está descongelando, llegó Aslan.
Estoy segura que no se trata solamente de educación gratuita. Se trata de las esperanzas de una sociedad olvidada. Mi pregunta del día es; Hacia donde va el trén? Ya se acaba la fiesta de Bilz y Pap? Pero que viene ahora? Sigo atenta a los acontecimientos en el país de las maravillas.
He conocido Chile en plena democracia. O en algo que los politicos querían llamar democracia. Pero realmente todos saben que lo que se denominaba democracia solo era una fachada. El pueblo unido jamás iba a ser vencido pero se tuvo que calmar contra su voluntad durante más de una década de gobierno militar. Despues supuestamente llegó la democracia, pero una democracia arreglada según reglas de los poderosos de la epoca. Marcaron el terreno y se aseguraron de que el sistema político se mantenia favoreciendo a la derecha. El pueblo se mantenía contento con crecimiento contínuo, con una fiesta de consumo sustituyendo los encuentros en las plazas con malls gigantes y con noticias de fárandula llenando tanto los canales de television y la prensa escrita. Convertiendo la salud, la educacion, y la jubilacion en negocios, obligaron a cada ciudadano olvidarse de sus derechos y concentrarse en ganarse la vida.
Pero ahora llega una nueva generación, una generación que nunca usó su derecho de votar, no porque no le interesaba sino porque no creían el cuento. Esta generación está ahora mostrando el camino. Narnia está descongelando, llegó Aslan.
Estoy segura que no se trata solamente de educación gratuita. Se trata de las esperanzas de una sociedad olvidada. Mi pregunta del día es; Hacia donde va el trén? Ya se acaba la fiesta de Bilz y Pap? Pero que viene ahora? Sigo atenta a los acontecimientos en el país de las maravillas.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Det finns många nyheter som får mig att fundera vart vi är på väg egentligen.
Som den här till exempel: "Finländska barn får för mycket medicin mot adhd".
ADHD måste vara jätte jobbigt för föräldrar och barn, och alla runt omkring. Vi har bara kännt av extremt tunga trotsperioder som sugit musten ur oss totalt. Jag har suttit matt på soffan och undrat hur det blivit så här. Men det är ändå inget i jämförelse med vad föräldrar till barn med adhd måste känna. Sådan maktlöshet, sådan frustration.
Men är ett piller verkligen den bästa lösningen för dessa barn? Den här artikeln tar inte upp kostens betydelse. Jag är själv övertygad om att kosten är A och O för hur ett barn klarar av att behärska sig, koncentrera sig, och umgås med omgivningen. Varför ordinerar inte läkare att man först att man eliminerar sockret och de snabba kolhydraterna? Det kanske räcker. Eller är det för svårt? Sockret finns ju överallt nuförtiden. Kanske det är lättare med ett piller, så slipper man ta itu med kosten...
Som den här till exempel: "Finländska barn får för mycket medicin mot adhd".
ADHD måste vara jätte jobbigt för föräldrar och barn, och alla runt omkring. Vi har bara kännt av extremt tunga trotsperioder som sugit musten ur oss totalt. Jag har suttit matt på soffan och undrat hur det blivit så här. Men det är ändå inget i jämförelse med vad föräldrar till barn med adhd måste känna. Sådan maktlöshet, sådan frustration.
Men är ett piller verkligen den bästa lösningen för dessa barn? Den här artikeln tar inte upp kostens betydelse. Jag är själv övertygad om att kosten är A och O för hur ett barn klarar av att behärska sig, koncentrera sig, och umgås med omgivningen. Varför ordinerar inte läkare att man först att man eliminerar sockret och de snabba kolhydraterna? Det kanske räcker. Eller är det för svårt? Sockret finns ju överallt nuförtiden. Kanske det är lättare med ett piller, så slipper man ta itu med kosten...
La gringa pesada
Reconozco que estoy convirtiéndome en una gringa pesada que lee demasiado tonteras en Internet y que además cree el cuento, y aún mas grave que esa gringa después sale a hablar con personas que no tienen ni el remoto interés de saber del tema. Ay! Que soy desubicada y pesada. Aún así, hay cosas que necesito ventilar también en español para mis lectores al otro lado del mundo.
Por ejemplo... El tema del sabor dulce. Para comenzar muchos endulzantes son un fraude. Son más tóxicos que el azucar puro y es cuestionable si debieramos consumir estos productos. Aspartame, Nutra sweet, etc, todos tienen estudios que apuntan a que no son buenos para la salud. Me pregunto, porque seguimos envenenándonos? Si quieres algo dulce en tu café o una bebida - yo diría que azucar natural es preferible. Pero realmente lo necesitas? Mi experiencia personal muestra que azucar es adictivo, afecta tu estado de ánimo, te hace comer más de lo que tu cuerpo realmente pide (con la consecuencia de sobrepeso en el largo plazo) y te deja cansado...y con un montón de problemas de salud en caso de uso excesivo - lo que nunca he llegado a tener, logré parar el tren antes... En la tierra prometida de las bebidas y cafés dulces, creo que este mensaje es dificil digerir. Puedes vivir una semana sin bebidas gaseosas y sin el sabor dulce en tu café (saca la leche también, está lleno de lactosa)?
La bebida gaseosa está evidentemente llena de azucar o endulzantes. Eso no debería ser sorpresa para nadie, ni que las galletas y dulces obviamente también. Pero como es con el yogurt que comes? Sí, muchas veces contiene más azucar que una bebida. Ketchup? También, un tercio es puro azucar. Pan blanco - la famosa marraqueta? Harina blanca se convierte casi tan rápido a glucosa como el azucar. El efecto es igual en tu cuerpo. Salsas de ensaladas - te apuesto que encuentras azucar como el tercer ingrediente de la lista de contenido (acompañada de aditivos de nombres que cuesta pronunciar). Frutas conservadas - llenas de azucar. Mermelada - ni pensar (y acuerda, la mermelada de otro tipo de endulzante es probablemente más venenoso, así que si absolutamente quieres comer mermelada, yo iría con lo más natural)....
Entonces que comer? Yougurt natural con canela, semillas de linaza, nueces, frutas frescas. Aaaah que rico el sabor! Una vez que se saca el sabor dulce del sistema, se puede realmente disfrutar todos tipos de sabores, sabores naturales! Un jugo natural, recien hecho, sin azucar agregado, obviamente. Huevos en todas formas - fritos o cocidos, con un poquitín de crema natural o con mayonesa. Palta, que rica la palta! Qué suerte que tienen en Chile de poder disfrutar esa nuez fresca. Acá la palta llega desde allá - me pregunto cuantos qiumicos hechan encima para que dure...
Bueno, allí llegamos al otro tema de mis pesadeses: el tema de los tóxicos. Vi el video de "Story of Stuff" en Youtube y me dejó marcada. Usa el refran "Toxins in - toxins out" (traducido "toxina entra - toxina sale"). El mundo está lleno de quimicos inventados por el hombre. Si creen que son vigilados, y que son seguros - olvídalo, muchos de ellos entran nuestros cuerpos y nunca salen de allí. O sí salen es atraves de la leche de la madre amamantando - traspasando esos materias toxicos de una generación a otra. Una vez inventado y llevado a la producción masiva - esos productos quedan aquí, acompañondonos por siempre. Pastas de dientes, shampoos, jabon, desoderantes, fragancias del perfumen, liquidos de limpieza (piensa, encima de los cual nuestros hijos aprenden gatear) - todos con un coctail de posibles carcinogenos. Porque arriesgarlo? Hay alternativas.
También ando metida en el pensamiento de "vivir simple", en fondo buscar el camino de vuelta a lo básico. He llegado al punto donde encuentro que el consumismo (muchas veces en crédito) es asquerozo. Odio el mall y trato a evitar grandes tiendas con grandes tentaciones. Prefiero pasar mi tiempo junto con la familia en un parque de juegos o en el bosque, en la playa que en un shopping. Si llueve o si hace demasiado calor, buscamos actividades en bibliotecas o centros culturales, en vez de llenar el día con conflictos en el mall. Y saben que? Es mucho menos lo que se necesita en la casa cuando uno no sabe lo que se ofrece en las grandes tiendas.
Pero cada uno vive su vida, a base de sus convicciones. Yo solamente me puse un poco crítica a lo que la sociedad nos propone como vida. Quiero algo más que deudas con el banco, quimicos en mi sangre y sobrepeso por la comida. Y loco como puede parecer, cuesta un poquito hoy en día encontrar las soluciones para una vida así. Loco, no?
Por ejemplo... El tema del sabor dulce. Para comenzar muchos endulzantes son un fraude. Son más tóxicos que el azucar puro y es cuestionable si debieramos consumir estos productos. Aspartame, Nutra sweet, etc, todos tienen estudios que apuntan a que no son buenos para la salud. Me pregunto, porque seguimos envenenándonos? Si quieres algo dulce en tu café o una bebida - yo diría que azucar natural es preferible. Pero realmente lo necesitas? Mi experiencia personal muestra que azucar es adictivo, afecta tu estado de ánimo, te hace comer más de lo que tu cuerpo realmente pide (con la consecuencia de sobrepeso en el largo plazo) y te deja cansado...y con un montón de problemas de salud en caso de uso excesivo - lo que nunca he llegado a tener, logré parar el tren antes... En la tierra prometida de las bebidas y cafés dulces, creo que este mensaje es dificil digerir. Puedes vivir una semana sin bebidas gaseosas y sin el sabor dulce en tu café (saca la leche también, está lleno de lactosa)?
La bebida gaseosa está evidentemente llena de azucar o endulzantes. Eso no debería ser sorpresa para nadie, ni que las galletas y dulces obviamente también. Pero como es con el yogurt que comes? Sí, muchas veces contiene más azucar que una bebida. Ketchup? También, un tercio es puro azucar. Pan blanco - la famosa marraqueta? Harina blanca se convierte casi tan rápido a glucosa como el azucar. El efecto es igual en tu cuerpo. Salsas de ensaladas - te apuesto que encuentras azucar como el tercer ingrediente de la lista de contenido (acompañada de aditivos de nombres que cuesta pronunciar). Frutas conservadas - llenas de azucar. Mermelada - ni pensar (y acuerda, la mermelada de otro tipo de endulzante es probablemente más venenoso, así que si absolutamente quieres comer mermelada, yo iría con lo más natural)....
Entonces que comer? Yougurt natural con canela, semillas de linaza, nueces, frutas frescas. Aaaah que rico el sabor! Una vez que se saca el sabor dulce del sistema, se puede realmente disfrutar todos tipos de sabores, sabores naturales! Un jugo natural, recien hecho, sin azucar agregado, obviamente. Huevos en todas formas - fritos o cocidos, con un poquitín de crema natural o con mayonesa. Palta, que rica la palta! Qué suerte que tienen en Chile de poder disfrutar esa nuez fresca. Acá la palta llega desde allá - me pregunto cuantos qiumicos hechan encima para que dure...
Bueno, allí llegamos al otro tema de mis pesadeses: el tema de los tóxicos. Vi el video de "Story of Stuff" en Youtube y me dejó marcada. Usa el refran "Toxins in - toxins out" (traducido "toxina entra - toxina sale"). El mundo está lleno de quimicos inventados por el hombre. Si creen que son vigilados, y que son seguros - olvídalo, muchos de ellos entran nuestros cuerpos y nunca salen de allí. O sí salen es atraves de la leche de la madre amamantando - traspasando esos materias toxicos de una generación a otra. Una vez inventado y llevado a la producción masiva - esos productos quedan aquí, acompañondonos por siempre. Pastas de dientes, shampoos, jabon, desoderantes, fragancias del perfumen, liquidos de limpieza (piensa, encima de los cual nuestros hijos aprenden gatear) - todos con un coctail de posibles carcinogenos. Porque arriesgarlo? Hay alternativas.
También ando metida en el pensamiento de "vivir simple", en fondo buscar el camino de vuelta a lo básico. He llegado al punto donde encuentro que el consumismo (muchas veces en crédito) es asquerozo. Odio el mall y trato a evitar grandes tiendas con grandes tentaciones. Prefiero pasar mi tiempo junto con la familia en un parque de juegos o en el bosque, en la playa que en un shopping. Si llueve o si hace demasiado calor, buscamos actividades en bibliotecas o centros culturales, en vez de llenar el día con conflictos en el mall. Y saben que? Es mucho menos lo que se necesita en la casa cuando uno no sabe lo que se ofrece en las grandes tiendas.
Pero cada uno vive su vida, a base de sus convicciones. Yo solamente me puse un poco crítica a lo que la sociedad nos propone como vida. Quiero algo más que deudas con el banco, quimicos en mi sangre y sobrepeso por la comida. Y loco como puede parecer, cuesta un poquito hoy en día encontrar las soluciones para una vida así. Loco, no?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
About commenting on blogspot
Here is the issue:
Its all about the cookies. But I am too tired to make sense out of it tonight.
Really sad though that it must be so difficult technically to leave a comment. I would like more interactivity on my blog!!! And I know many of you have tried to leave a comment. So have I, on other blogs, and it is really frustrating!
Its all about the cookies. But I am too tired to make sense out of it tonight.
Really sad though that it must be so difficult technically to leave a comment. I would like more interactivity on my blog!!! And I know many of you have tried to leave a comment. So have I, on other blogs, and it is really frustrating!
Cinderella ate my daughter (and myself)
I just surfed around and stumbled upon this book: Cinderella ate my daughter.
Based on the preview, this is a must have. A handbook for all mothers. I need to have it now!!! Hope Helmet can assist or else I'll turn to my book supplier Amazon...
To round off the day I will aslo confess that I did some serious sinning while up on the west coast. My daughter received a pink castle and four Disney princesses to go with it. Yes, I bought the stuff. Yes, I made the decision to buy - I was all alone on the Sunday flea market on the square of Vaasa (lovely invention by the way - gives Vaasa a completely new and friendly image!). The pink castle was sitting on the seat next to driver's seat all the way out to the cottage - staring at me, saying "haha, the pink princess dream won at last, you are weak!". Somewhere halfway there I decided that the pink castle was going back to the fleamarket without my daughter knowing about its existance. I hid it back in the trunk of the car. Yes I did. And my plan was to smuggle it back to Helsinki and sell it off for a higher price here.... well, that was until I met my daughter that sunny day. My heart melted and I heard myself saying: "A, come along with me, I have something to show you!". And so I took her hand, walked back to the car and opened the trunk to show her. She saw the castle, looked at me with her suspicious eyes and said "Mom, is that castle for ME?!?". You should have seen how happy she was when the answer was affirmative. It was sooooo worth it.
This is why I need to read the book about how Cinderella ate my daughter. This cannot be. I need to get equipped for future temptations!
Based on the preview, this is a must have. A handbook for all mothers. I need to have it now!!! Hope Helmet can assist or else I'll turn to my book supplier Amazon...
To round off the day I will aslo confess that I did some serious sinning while up on the west coast. My daughter received a pink castle and four Disney princesses to go with it. Yes, I bought the stuff. Yes, I made the decision to buy - I was all alone on the Sunday flea market on the square of Vaasa (lovely invention by the way - gives Vaasa a completely new and friendly image!). The pink castle was sitting on the seat next to driver's seat all the way out to the cottage - staring at me, saying "haha, the pink princess dream won at last, you are weak!". Somewhere halfway there I decided that the pink castle was going back to the fleamarket without my daughter knowing about its existance. I hid it back in the trunk of the car. Yes I did. And my plan was to smuggle it back to Helsinki and sell it off for a higher price here.... well, that was until I met my daughter that sunny day. My heart melted and I heard myself saying: "A, come along with me, I have something to show you!". And so I took her hand, walked back to the car and opened the trunk to show her. She saw the castle, looked at me with her suspicious eyes and said "Mom, is that castle for ME?!?". You should have seen how happy she was when the answer was affirmative. It was sooooo worth it.
This is why I need to read the book about how Cinderella ate my daughter. This cannot be. I need to get equipped for future temptations!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Food revolution and breakfast routines
We are back home after a week in the wild. And I see that the author to the book "food revolution" (only in Swedish so far, Matrevolutionen) is doing his breakthrough on the international stage. See his blog on his blog Diet Doctor. I wrote about this book in Spanish back in February when I just started blogging, check the post Comida revolucionaria.
My own policy nowadays is to keep the bloodsugar stable, no peaks, no deep dips. And this goes for all the family members. As long as we stay on line, we're having a blast, a balanced blast!
My biggest concern now is how to handle the morning routines as from next Monday. Real life approaching and we cannot sit at breacky table for an hour with a no-apetite four year old. Its a definite no-no to go to daycare without a bloodsugar friendly breakfast. Eating breakfast at daycare is not an option (so far), there'll be a dip in bloodsugar before we get there and most probably their offerings include some amout of quick carbs - that would affect her afternoon mood and back fire when we pick up the kids. So the question of the day: How to get breakfast into the body of a four year old in less than 20 minutes? Anything allowed, except force and sugar.
Today I did it by dancing to Juanes' "Tengo la camisa negra" and a porridge spoon in my hand. She did not even notice how the plate was emptied....
My own policy nowadays is to keep the bloodsugar stable, no peaks, no deep dips. And this goes for all the family members. As long as we stay on line, we're having a blast, a balanced blast!
My biggest concern now is how to handle the morning routines as from next Monday. Real life approaching and we cannot sit at breacky table for an hour with a no-apetite four year old. Its a definite no-no to go to daycare without a bloodsugar friendly breakfast. Eating breakfast at daycare is not an option (so far), there'll be a dip in bloodsugar before we get there and most probably their offerings include some amout of quick carbs - that would affect her afternoon mood and back fire when we pick up the kids. So the question of the day: How to get breakfast into the body of a four year old in less than 20 minutes? Anything allowed, except force and sugar.
Today I did it by dancing to Juanes' "Tengo la camisa negra" and a porridge spoon in my hand. She did not even notice how the plate was emptied....
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