Saturday, July 30, 2011

Helsingfors ute och cyklar

Läser artikeln om hur 30-åringarna flyttar från Helsingfors längre ut till kranskommunerna. Tycker att både arkitekten och speciellt Helsingfors stads byggnadschef är ute och cyklar.

Kära planeringsmänniskor, barnfamiljer vill gärna bo kvar i Helsingfors. Men inte på grund av varken kulturutbud eller utmärkt kollektiv trafik. Kulturutbudet är tillför singlar eller tonårsföräldrar, vi med små barn har sällan tid för annan verksamhet än social samvaro i stadens lekparker (tack för sommarens varma lunch i lekparkerna). Kollektivtrafiken är bättre än i grannkommunerna men på de områden där det finns lite större lägenheter till ett rimligt pris i Helsingfors finns det vanligtvis inte mer än en busslinje in till stan - vilken är skillnaden till grannkommunerna nu igen? Största delen av tiden sitter man ju fast i rusningstrafiken ändå, oberoende om man sitter på buss från Olars eller Staffanslätten (är det kanske t.o.m. snabbare från Olars?).

Vi bor bra där vi bor. Ett härligt lummig höghusområde från tiderna när planerana ännu satte vikt på trivsel och inte endast funktionalitet och byggkostnader. Att ta sig till stan tar 20 minuter med cykel, 10 minuter med tåg och mellan 20 och 40 minuter med bil och buss (gör något åt Mannerheimvägen!). Den svenskpråkiga servicen är bra och gemenskapen med andra barnfamiljer är mer än utmärkt.

Problemet? Om vi vill bo kvar i det här området när vi flyttar nästa gång hamnar vi betala nästan det tre-dubbla för några fjuttiga kvadratmeter till, åtminstone om vi villa ha en pytteliten gård men även på högre höjder blir det orealistiskt dyrt. Om vi flyttar till en närbeläget område kanske cykelvägen in till stan bara blir 10 minuter längre. Men på vintern måste vi ty oss till de oplogade vägarna, inget tåg i sikte, och då blir rusningstrafiken ett problem oberoende om man sitter i sin egen bil eller på Helsingfors stads bussar. Priset för de kvadratmetrarna är fortfarande orimligt högt.

När man kör runt i Helsingfors bostadsområden slås man ofta av den gröna omgivningen, många förorter är gröna och det är fint. Men lika ofta blir jag bedrövad över den otroligt fula byggnadsstrukturen och de billiga byggnadsmaterialen som använts och blivit fula på mindre än 10 år. Bredvid den lokala Alepan ligger A-oikeudet restaurangerna tätt (så gott som alla förortsrestauranger använder hellre ölreklam som dragplåster än trivsam miljö och god mat). Gatorna är folktomma med undantag av en och annan påstruken restaurangbesökare. Dessa områden är på vettigt avstånd till centrum, de har ofta goda förbindelser och skulle vara perfekta barnfamiljsoaser... Om det inte var för dessa nackdelar som jag beskriver ovan.

Min önskeförort ser ut ungefär så här; flera alternativa förbindelser in till stan (som kan varieras beroende på väder), grönt så det förslår, aktiv "byaverksamhet", bra matbutiker och andra servicepunkter (apotek, bibliotek, gym, bank, post och kiosk) så man slipper stressen att gå in i en stormarknad eller ta sig in till stan. Dessutom ska skola och dagis (förutsättning att kvaliteten är god och mina barn ryms med) finnas på gångavstånd till hem och kollektivtrafiken. Just nu bor vi ungefär på ett sånt område (med undantaget att Prisman effektiv suger ut all vår lokala service - fy fy!). Många av den sorten förorter finns det inte i Helsingfors- alla ungefär byggda på samma gång och på samma avstånd in till stan. Alla med obeskrivligt dyra stora bostäder, få med egen gård.

Om man sen ändå blir tvungen att köpa den där andra bilen när man flyttar till något större, ja då kan man ju lika gärna flytta ut till billigare orter med öppnare landskap. Tiden i bilen blir ju inte mycket längre ändå -det som tar tid är rusningen inom Helsingfors stads gränser.

Skärpning planeringskontoret!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Becoming a mother

Exactly four years ago, I had enterd into the final countdown. In a matter of minutes I was going to become a mother. Like it or not.

I still remember that first look at my baby girl. The news about our baby being a girl sinking in. Her outrageous cry (we would get more of that later on in life, much more) which got my mother instincts to pump out hormones in my blood. The birth of a mother, in just a few seconds after the birth of a baby girl.

Its been a beautiful road traveled so far during the past four years together. Many anecdotes, many challenges. But I will not ventilate those here, it would not be fare to our girl. I'll just tell you that our girl is simply the best in the world and I am proud to get to celebrate her 4th birthday tomorrow together with her. A, you rock this planet!

For myself the motherhood has taken me into completely new dimensions of life, which also can be noted in this blog. Starting from cloth diapers (thanks to a friend that introduced me to the concept, those were not so common four years ago), breastfeeding techniques, how to make a baby eat (still haven't figured that one out, will I ever?), how to make a child eat healthy stuff, how to combine family with work, and becoming a networking mother in a local Martha association (never ever saw that coming).

Now four years later motherhood is the most natural thing in the world to me. I have learned how to deal with the role and I have also learned a lot about myself (especially about my own temper, anger management!). But I remember those early days with an infant in my arms - so unsecure. Calling friends to ask if the pacifier should stay in the mouth or should I take it out once she had fallen asleep? Changing those first diapers, learning how to do it. Or just how to hold a baby, my own baby!

As a woman, you're not born to be a mother. It is your child that teaches you. I've read countless books on how to bring up a child, and still, the best teacher as always been my own child. No book in the world can explain what works and what not in the way my own child does. Direct response. No mercy. But also appreciation and a lot of happiness!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The chemicals in our skin

For those of you that were interested in the movie I had seen on how much chemicals we have in our body (Submission) - this is kind of an introduction to the subject.

Finally alone

Finally alone. The apartment goes silent, no background buzz, no kids fight, nor laughter for that matter. Only silence and my own thoughts. I can focus, I can's so nice to be ditched at home after a hot and rainy day inside with two kamikazee.

I read all this reports on how we have to learn how deconnect, shut off the radio, shut off the computer and just let the brain relax during the summer... I say; bullshit. Anyone with kids knows that the real brain buzz has nothing with outside world interferance. Its all about the kids - and you cannot really shut them off for a month. So my question: At what age do they start to go to summer camp? Or maybe I just need a break, back to the outside world, sit there in front of a computer; only me, my coffee and my computer (and some 200 unread emails) - seems like a dream vacation to me.

Being connected to the outside world would probably boost my spiritual balance more than this "relaxing holiday" at home. Do not take me wrong, instead let me express it as my wise words of the day: Its been lovely but I have to scream now.

No more rainy days before August 15, please.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Generation Abundance - Priorities my Dear, Priorities!

In my pedagogics courses this spring I learned that each generation has its own caracteristics due to the influence they've received from the surroundings of the time when they grew up. I take this generation thinking a bit has each generation been marked by their time in relation to material things?
My grandparents generation were marked by the war and the total lack of material things. We still have some "towels" used back in the 40's that I rescued from my grandparents summer cottage before it was sold some years ago. My mom would not touch the cloth, stiff and ugly, she said. For me the old cotton white-greyish towels served as excellent protection on the sauna bench. But trying to imagine how it must have been back then, it just shows that my own parents have not maybe been blessed with many imported Christmas presents and birthday gifts back in their days as child. My mom even talk about the day when the banana's made their apperance in Vasa. What a delicious taste! That was the Generation babyboomer's childhood. They knew that things did not come cheap, and that you had to work to pay for what you needed.

Then came my own generation, which in respect to material things seems like a five star luxury hotel compared to my parent's reality back in the 50's. I was born late enough in the 70's to skip the whole political revolution that those born in late 60's must have experienced. Instead, I was in the perfect age to enjoy the happy 80's as a small child. Plastic toys accesible to all: barbies, monchichis, smurfs, my little ponies, all those must-haves, in a wrapped package every Chirstmas or birthday. But still, I have the feeling that the consumerism in the 80's was rather innocent in comparison to what spurged after the great depression in the 90's. There were both financial restraints (imported stuff was still expensive) and a notion of that one is enough. One Barbie was enough, you did not need five of them, and most certainly not at the age of four. I still got handmade Barbie clothes for Christmas - not because it was cool but because it was cheaper and because there were not many options out in the stores. I think my own generation was brought up in a mixed world, influenced by our parents ideological convictions from the early 70's but still embracing the benefits of development and all those new cool things.

30 years later and what do we have? A world that has gone completely crazy on consuming. Consuming has become the meaning of life. One is never enough. If it breaks, you throw it away and get it happily replaced by upgraded cooler version. Material things are overwhelmingly present, everywhere: both in the hyper markets and in our overcrowded homes. Things have completely invaded our spare life. The children drown in both toys and clothes. There are so many toys in their room that they loose focus on what they are doing. There are so much clothes in the closet that every morning is a nightmare when debating what dress is suitable for the day. Do we really want them to learn that wanting more is a virtue? How much more before its enough? Wouldn't the best lesson be to learn how to pick just the necessary? Teach them to identify their real needs and not only how to fulfill their inner decire for more more more?

Then I start planning the birthday gift for the four year old... We've decided that she'll get a bike. But I feel its not enough. She would be so happy to receive something else as well. And I think she really deserves it, my beautiful wonderful lovely first born. Well, she needs a new helmet. Done. New helmet it is - bought in the closest shopping mall. But something else, a toy or a dress...something that reeeally will make her happy and that she can take with her to daycare in the fall... I stop right there and tell myself: Priorities, my dear, priorities! Learn how to prioritize. The bike is enough, she will be delighted and we will spend time teaching her how to bike. That is absolutely enough!

Tendencias royales

G, 1 año y 7 meses, ha aprendido dos palabras nuevas en los últimos días.
La primera: "Helo Titi". La pronunciación está marcada por su hermana. Que riiico que A no haya aprendido pronunciarlo correcto todavia y que además trasfiere su interpretación del gato a su hermanito! Eso es la uniquísima fascinación que tengo con el gato japonés - Helo Titi.

La segunda palabra proncuncia "Sssesa". Anda apuntando a todas las princesas de nuestra casa (son varias a esta altura) repetiendo "ssssesa", "ssssesa". El feliz de la vida de haber también entrado en la mísitca de las princesas.

Ah, y si pasan tiempo con mi hijo y llega a decir "bssssssss" no es ni la palabra princesa, ni el sonido del serpiente que está tratando a pronunciar. El está obviamente observando un bus! "bsssssssssssssssss". Obvio, cierto?

Otras palabras ricas en esta epoca:
"ele wuaaa"= pájaro (por el sonido que nuestros niños hacen para hacer los pájaros volar - para mayor información pueden leer el post "Bird scarers to let" anteriormente en mi blog)
"iiijajaja"=caballo (claro) pero también zebras. Astuto él, cierto?
"Iaiaiai"=su tractor por el huaso del tractor que canta "ol' mcdonald had a farm, iaiaiaiaou" cuando lo apreta.
"piiiipa"=todos vehiculos con ruedas, no importa si tienen sonido o no, son "piiiipa".

Como ven las palabras nuevas son una excepción a su vocabulario anterior que se enfocaba en la granja y en los automóviles. Será que nuestro hijo está al punto de desarrollar su lado feminino ahora? Espero no tener que comprar una mochila "Hello Kitty" para la entrada al jardin en septiembre. Hasta ahora hemos logrado evitar el gato bastante bien. Viene la segunda ronda?

Hablando de...hoy fui a comprarle un regalo a A y pasé por una tienda de ropa con rebajas. Tenían una polera rosada en venta, para niños, no niñas. Casi la compré. Aprendí este verano del primo de tres años que niños también pueden querer vestirse en rosado. Los en más peligro de caer en la tentación parece ser los niñitos con hermanas mayores "de tendencias royales".

Chinchin por unisex!

Monday, July 25, 2011

El hombre tonto...

...asi nombre el noruego loco cuando mi hija me preguntó porque tuvimos que estar silenciosos y no se podia entrar a la piscina pública de Kumpula.

La mamá sentada a mi lado mencionó algo de muertos a su hija. Mi hija preguntó si algiuén había muerto en "la playa" (referiendose a la piscina).

En fin, muchas preguntas, pocas respuestas y un lugar muy mal escogido para pasar el minuto de silencio en memoria de lo que pasó en Noruega.

The silent minute beside the pool

How do you explain what happened in Norway to a four year old? I still do not know how to do it. I tried today, but I felt I did terribly bad and that my answers to her questions only gave her all the reasons in this world to pronounce yet another why.

We happened to get to the Helsinki city outdoor poor just as the clock turned one today. The place turned silent, no people in the pool. Until then my daughter has been happily unaware of the news storm pooring in from from west.

In the name of childhood innosence, I would say that the normally so noicy and cheerful pool in Kumpula was maybe not exactly the best pick for the national silent minute. Quite shocking to see all those sad faces on parents and the question marks in their kids eyes. Lets put it this way, I was not the only one to have a lot of explaining to do afterwards.

Changing lifestyle - part two

Ok, so I have now read two books on how to live a rich, healthy and energetic life as a mother of small children (or how the whole family can do this). Both books are excellent and have much wisdom in their message.

The food part is starting to be under control. And I would say that this is really the starting point - because with sugar overload everything seems impossible. Now, I only need to get hubby introduced to some of the new cookings, but that should be rather easy as I have come to realize that this is surprisingly easy, once the ingredients are readily available at home.

What about the rest? Focus on what I am doing, not do 100 things at the same time, let go of the control, less time in front of telly/on internet, more time sleeping, more time connected with kids and hubby, and more time out in the track, running.

After having read the chapter on "family training" in Mauritson's book Kärnfrisk familj and the chapter on "booth camp for mothers" in Hoffer's Wise Choice, there is really no excuse to why I should not go out running tomorrow evening. So my goal is to run to Pilates and back - there, 4 km running and 1 hour heavy deep abdominal training. Just what I need... and then for the rest of the week, I'd better start making work out plans as well. Get my mind mentalized.

Now, I also need to get deconnected from here. This will be done by shifting back to an old telephone of mine. You see, I am the first to admit being addicted to surfing on my telephone. The timing of wireless and smart phone could not have come at a more convenient time for me. Just as I became a mother of two and was sentenced to a life at home, the world opened itself virtually, where ever I was. Its been a lifesaver for this ultra-social mother, to stay connected with friends outside the home through Facebook and other places. But it is time to let go. And I hope switching telephones will get me off this addiction. I sense true freedom in the air!

I would also like to get rid of the telly. I have come to hate the nagging discussions on watching kids programs instead of eating breakfast in the morning... But here I cannot decide alone. Hubby has the right to watch what he wants, after all he pays the tv license. No, I will have to deal with that temptation without getting rid of the source.

Then the rest; letting go of the control etc will have to wait until I let go of the kids (daycare in the fall and me off on own adventures, savior!) Then I will work on not watching hubby's back 24-7. Well, in my defense I have to say that I do not check if his toothbrush has been used (as did one of the books' author).... that must mean that I am not a complete control freak, right?

I have also come to learn about chemicals and what they can do to our body. Thanks to a FB-discussion back in November, I have already cleared most harmful cosmetics and hairproducts of the shelf. And believe it or not, but there are fewer products needed when the chemicals are less... Kind of like the carbs, they get you hooked so that you'll consume more. And on top of it all, its harmful. I still have to do something about our cleaning gear but on the other hand, as we rarely get as far as deep cleaning our floor or wiping off our silver, its not maybe that bad when the dosis is small...And I have the knowledge on lemon, baking powder and vinegar cleaning, I just have not come around to it yet.

The sleep part is also on top of the list. In bed by 10 p.m. I will try my best and it should be doable once I get the telly and the internet out of my system. Which reminds me... I am already 2 hours late. Good night you all! I'll go and sleep tight now.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Shocked about the news from Norway. Today the flags are on half-mast here in Finland. It is a painful sight to see all those blue and white flags all around the city. We have also today found out that our own new member of parliament Mr. Jussi Halla-aho is cited in the psykopat's manifesto. Mr. Halla-aho is the person that has become known in Finland through his blog, which is outspokenly anti-Swedish speaking and anti-foreigners, anti-multiculture in Finland. It was mostly his statements that made me concerned when I wrote my reflections after the elections here in April (read for example: Pandora's box, Junttilandia).

In my blog post about Junttilandia I note that the public's anger towards minorities can already be noted as violent acts by those who think that the True Finn's victory in the elections justified direct action on the street. What happened in Norway on Friday is like taken from a horror movie about how far the hatred can go. My heart bleed for all affected families.

The only good thing that I can see coming out of this is that this is a serious wake up call for everyone up here in the north. Those who voted for True Finns in April, and especially those who got Halla-Aho into the government: On which side of the line do you stand? Are you going to continue to support this insanity? If it happened in Norway, it can happen here as well. We have already two school shootings in our records. And the recipee for a repition of Norway is now effectively being spread over the fabulous almighty world-wibe-web - just a clic away for all psycopats in this world. Exactly like the perpetrator wanted it - efficiently spread with the news frenzy following such deed.

Another point which is very sad is that when something unexpected and tragic like this happens, the media goes crazy and the evening press profitability skyrockets. I have a really hard time accepting the sensationality spread in the evening press; big headlines, shocking pictures, the stuff. And it is even worse when I note that the whole edition is sold out on a Saturday afternoon in the big hypermarket. Tragedy sells. This time, I have deliberately avoided tv-news (and evening press) - both for my own and the kids sake. Live pictures are just too much to handle. That is why I like the flag on half mast today, it gives a solemn counterposition to the sensations in the evening press. It gives us the possibility to personal reflections, without intermediaries from the press.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nej nu stänger jag datorn. inte blir det ju något av det här annars. Detta är min lediga dag. MIN. LEDIGA. DAG.

About changing lifestyle

Here I am. Alone in the house as I asked for a day off today. The rest of the family went to check out the animals at the zoo. And I have been trying to get a grip of the new lifestyle. The lifestyle without sugar and starch. Yesterday I threw all our sugar products in the garbage. I packed away all pasta and wheat flour in a plastic bag, cannot throw away yet - will try to donate to someone who uses these ingredients.

While investigating internet stores that sell seeds, nuts, oils and special flour I receive a message from the zoo. It is a picture of A, eating an immense icecream. Define irony. I feel a bit deceived by hubby and after a bitchy response from my side I do calm down. In my defense I tell myself that I would not be me if I would not overreact and let hubby know about it as well.

I get my head out of the radical no-sugar lifestyle literature and start boiling the cheak peas (2 kilos of them, yes I am nuts...) and I start defining a manifesto that would work for us - a family that after all is quite normal, no allergies, no dysfunctions, no special needs. We do not need to be radical, as long as we eat healthy non-starch and no-sugar based food at home and we minimize the days when we eat products containing sugar. This should be enough to maintain a good bloodsugar level. At home we will eat and offer sweets with natural sweetners (dates and bananas etc) while in other social constellations we will continue being normal, no freaks... I think hubby can accept this way of thinking as well.

To have that healthy food and the sweets always readily available when needed will be a challenge in itself. Avoiding sugar basically means that you do everything yourself. My relation with the kitchen will have to change. It must become a joy to stand there next to the stove, although it never has been. And it must be shared with hubby, otherwise it will never work. To make it work the key word is PLANNING. And that is what I am trying to do, plan ahead. But instead of making myself useful on internet I surf around without a specific goal.

I do not think this is absolutely hopeless. It just takes time to get a hang of it. And looking back two months, we've been doing fairly well. Oatmeal porridge for breakfast, sometimes combined with a smoothie, healthy lunch, nuts and fruits in the afternoon, healthy dinner and then a smoothie before bed. Still, I need more inspiration and support. I need a cooperative of people doing the same, giving support. Because it would just be so easy to sit back and continue with the old life... on the otherhand, I would never ever like to go back to those mood swings of mine. No, there is no way back, so this better work.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Operation dagismat

Jag borde väl vara nöjd. Jag har själv gått skola i USA och sett deras skolmat. Jag har ätit skolmat både i Tyskland och Frankrike. Och jag har alltid tyckt att "nog har vi ju det ändå bra bra där hemma i Finland med vår skolmat". För jag var inte den som klagade på skolmaten. Jag åt den med god aptit.

Men något har hänt. Visst hade jag tidigare läst om hur lite skolmaten får kosta nuförtiden. Visst har jag hört ryktas att maten är såsig, mjölig och oaptitlig. Men på något sätt ville jag inte ta till mig den informationen. En orsak till det var att jag kände en otrolig lättnad över att någon annan också tar på sig ansvaret att servera mitt barn varm mat varje dag. Så skönt, ett problem mindre. För tänk om jag skulle vara tvungen att skicka med en matsäck varje morgon i dotterns dagisryggsäck. Nej hujedamej. Tanken får mig att flippa nästa lika mycket som tanken på att ha en hund som man måste valla varje dag, utöver småbarnsstressen. Dessutom var jag rent utsagt i sjunde himlen när dottern började på dagis. Efter ett halvårs envist matvägrande började hon plötsligt öppna munnen vid lunch. Personalen rapporterade att hon åt dubbla portionen. Hon var duktig på att äta, sa de. Jag trodde inte mina öron. Men de fick rätt, för vid extra rådgivningskollen efter 2 månader på dagis hade hon gått upp mer i vikt än på ett halvår innan. Dottern åt på dagis, vilken lättnad. I något skede nämde jag saken till min chef, att vi alltid har enorma problem med dotterns aptit under semester och att dottern faktiskt åt bäst med sina kompisar på dagis. Chefen utbrast: men det är ju ypperligt för företaget, du kan aldrig ta alltför långa semestrar då maten på dagis är så eftertraktad! Och just så kändes det när jag var som mest stressad; skönt att hon tankar på dagis, då är det inte så farligt att hon kniper ihop hemma.

Men jag har ändrat mig. Den ursprungliga orsaken till att jag kom att tänka på det här var att Helsingfors stad för ett år sedan slutade producera dagismat i egen regi. Istället utlokaliserades maten till företaget Palmia, som också sköter skolmaten. Det fick mig att bli orolig. Tänk om ryktena var sanna. Tänk om maten var oaptitlig. Betydde det att dotterns skulle sluta äta även på dagis? När jag spann vidare på tanken blev jag smått förargad. Alltså nog är det ju höjden, att det stället där dottern självmant gapar efter mat ska vara det stället där maten är minst näringsrik. Det borde ju definitivt vara tvärtom. De vet nog inte vad matvägrarföräldrar tampas med de där beslutsfattarna.

Sedan dess har jag låtit tankarna ligga. Jag har följt upp ätandet med jämna mellanrum och oroat mig i mitt stilla sinne. Men framförallt har jag under det senaste halvåret koncentrerat mig på maten som serveras här hemma. För inte kan jag väl gå ut och kritisera dagismaten som består av spenatplättar med potatismos och samma kväll servera mikrovärmda spenatplättar med grynost här hemma? Nej det går ju inte. Men i min lättja förmådde jag inte mig själv ändra på köpvanorna; veckans huvudingrediens bestod av maletkött (med pasta) och laxmedaljonger (med mos) och när den orken för att tillräda mat tog slut fyllde vi på med leverlåda, fiskpinnar och spenatsoppa. Grönsakerna bestod av färdigt kokta morötter, rårivna morötter, gurka och tomat. Ibland lite avokado.

I våras hade vi en längre period av tufft trotsmotstånd från dottern. Underligt tyckte jag. Trodde faktiskt att förra sommarens maktkamp hade avslutats och vi hade gått vidare. Eftersom jag just läst boken Råsmart Familj kopplade jag ihop humöret med maten och bestämde mig för att nu får det vara nog. Som ni kanske läst här tidigare så slängde vi över en natt ut pastan, brödet, mjölken och så gott som allt rött kött. Socker blev bannlyst här hemma. Hör och häpna: aptiten hos vår lilla matvägrare ökade, nästan över en natt. Trotset försvann och istället fick vi en härlig mat- (och prat-)glad liten tös. Visst kan hon visa sin vilja fortfarande, sin härliga bestämda vilja som driver oss till vansinne, men det är definitivt inte vardag hos oss mera utan det är kryddan som gör det spännande (och utmanande) att vara förälder.

Jag trodde att jag inbillade mig. Att det inte kan vara så här enkelt. Men även hubben har märkt skillnaden. När vi är bortbjudna och det serveras sötsaker (bulla, kex, glass) kan vi räkna med antingen en jobbig kväll eller en tuff nästa dag. Vi har inte tänkt göra något åt den saken. Det tycker vi att är okej, för vi vill att vår dotter ska kunna vara bortbjuden utan att vi förbjuder henne att äta vad de andra äter. Annat skulle det ju vara om hon var allergisk (går förvisso att debatera, är man allergisk om reaktionen inte ligger i hudutslagen utan i temperamentet?). Men vad som oroar mig så där på allvar är dagismaten. Nu har vi varit hemma i nästan två månader och sockret har inte funnits i vår vardagliga diet. Vad händer när det blir morgonmål, lunch och mellanmål i Palmias regi? Ska vi tillbaka till blodsockerpendlandet i höst igen?

Jag är också förbryllad över en sak. Hur kan det vara så att parkmaten som serveras i Helsinfors parker är mer näringsrik än den mat som serveras året om i staden dagisar? Vad är det för fel på våra beslutsfattare? Fattar de inte att mer grönt och näringsrikt och mindre (hormonberikat) kött/mjölk och tomma kolhydrater leder endast till bättre resultat. Jag skulle tro att barnen inte blir lika lätt sjuka (på min läslista har jag boken Kärnfrisk familj som behandlar den saken), att deras humör på dagis är bättre och det blir lättare för personalen att ta hand om dem, att de har bättre koncentrationsförmåga och orkar mer även där hemma. Alla vinner ju på ett sådan koncept, även stadens beslutsfattare som är föräldrar till dagis och skolbarn!!! Och i min mammalogik kombinerat med ekonomlogiken så skulle ju mindre sjuka barn leda till mindre frånvaro på arbetsplatserna, mindre inhoppare på dagis, dvs även lägre kostnader.

Kolla in bilden nedan som jag hittade på sidan "Operation skolmat". Vilken skulle du välja om du fick?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sweet treats without sugar, flour and milk products!

Some inspiration for those of you out there thinking about how get rid of pure sugar in your food:


Ruby Red
2 cups of soy, rice or oatmeal milk
1 cup of frozen strawberries or raspberry (no sugar added)
water melon
peppermint herbal leaves
1 spoon of protein powder (without aspartame)
5 cashew nuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients, and enjoy!

Sweet dreams
2 cups soy, rice, oatmeal milk
1 banana
5 almonds
5 pieces of frozen spinach
some cinnamon
Flaxseed oil (aceite de linaza) (optional)

Mix all ingredients, and enjoy!

Think toffee
2 cups soy, rice or oatmeal milk
1 banana
5 dates (without seeds)
10 cashew nuts
protein powder (without aspartame!)
Vanilla powder (without sugar, only the powder)

Mix all ingredients, and enjoy!

If you want to make icecreams, just get those icecream forms that you can make juice ice cream in and poor the smoothie into them. Takes about 1-2 h to freeze. Yam!

Other Wise Choice success stories in our house have been:

Waffles or pancakes
1 cup almonds
1 cup coco nut flakes
1 cup oatmeal or soy cream
4 egg
coco nut oil

Mix almonds and coco flakes to powder, add cream and eggs. Suggested waffle iron for frying but I have used a normal frying pan with a little bit more of coco nut oil to not make it stick. Don't flip the pancakes too fast as they will then fall apart.
You can serve with (unsweetened) berries, bananas or chopped dark chocolate and some agave syrup if you want it to be sweeter (I skip the syrup).

Banana and almond muffin (10-12 muffins)
200 gram almonds
1 small cup (dl) of buckwheat (bovete) flour/flakes (if you can't find buckwheat, use oatmeal instead)
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 egg
1 fine shredded apple
2 mashed bananas

Oven on 200 degrees celsius. Mix almonds and buckwheat to flour. Add baking powder. Add eggs and fruits and cinnamon. Blend to an even batter and distribute in muffin forms. Decorate with bananas or walnuts on top (I normally skip this). Bake 15 minutes in oven.

Chocolate muffins (8 muffins)
100 gram almonds
1,5 dl dates without seeds
0,5 dl cacao (more if you like chocolate)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
4 eggs

Oven on 200 degrees celsius. Mix almonds to flour. Add dates and mix. Add cacao and oil. Whip eggs separately so that they become white and fluffy. Add eggs to flour mix.  Distribute in muffin forms and bake in middle of oven in 15 minutes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Making way

I have started the annual "make way" project. The mission, rather impossible at times, is to reduce the junk and useless crap that we have gathered in our wardrobes, closets, bookshelves, children's boxes. This project might be annual but in the sense that only once a year I actually manage to reduce the montain of junk by carrying it out from our apartment, and if we are lucky I even get rid of it (instead of storing in the garage or in the cellar). The rest of the year the junk get stacked up in our extra bedroom, and if visitors come to stay the night I nicely ask hubby to get the junk up to the attict storage. But getting rid of junk is my way of not getting too hooked on the idea that we need a bigger apartment. Every cleared bookshelf gives us another month of wellbeing in this lovely apartment.

Since child I have been a master on this task. I can continue for hours. Usually I get so caught up in an old interesting book that I had completely forgot about, a cd with excellent music that I have not listened to for ages, or looking at old pictures remembering the good days. Yesterday I found Plantley's "No-cry discipline solution" - it must be the best handbook ever written on children with a temper. Unfortunately I have never found the time to read it, though. Today I found our wedding pictures, those that were never included in the photo album. A and I had a good look at the pics together. I even promised her that she'll get my brides gown once she gets married....In lack of other hobbies, I would say that this spare time venture is one of the most fullfilling that I have, if results are not measured....

But as said, this is the time of the year when I actually do get things done although I momentarily get stuck somewhere else. Yesterday I managed to fill a huge bag with old childrens clothes, going to the flea market to sell in August. Organizing children's outgrown clothes just shows how hooked we are on consuming. I have one bag of stuff to be preserved for the children themselves. Then another bag with clothes to be sold on (Finnish version of eBay). A third bag of Polarn och Pyret clothes, to be sold at Po.P second hand market in October. And then finally a humagous bag to be sold at the ordinary flea market, as cheap as possible, just to get rid of it. As you can see, getting this straightened out takes me hours, if not days (you could even say years as I have not been at the fleamarket since A was 9 months old....).

Today, rainy day, I was on it again. I got all childrens toys organized in their right box. I sorted out plastic pieces, broken toys, numerous artistic drawings and those went straight to the garbage bin (the trick here is to do it in such a cool manner that the kids do not notices...otherwise the junk will just be back were it was in the first place). The day was really rainy, and the kids were really in need for a sibling fight judge in their room so I managed to go through all their toy boxes (aprox 10 boxes) and sort out toys that where in the wrong box. As A is getting bigger it was also time to make way for her Barbies in a separate box (she is turning 4 in another week and she is already the owner of no less than five (!) Barbie dolls). Out goes baby toys that take too much space and toys that have lost their meaning and in comes the girly stuff. I even managed to find almost all the missing coins to the cashier and Farmer Old McDonald got all his lost animals back on the tractor (G learned today to refer to the tractor "Eeeaiaiou"-because of the song that the tractor sings). I also got a box for G's increasingly impressive car collection. The box is still the smallest in the room but I gather that by the time he hits 4, it will be the biggest.

Once hubby gets home and we sit down to eat dinner I inform him about the big job that I have got done today - the excercise could be describe as the annual budgeting in corporate terminology. He looks at me in a very weird way. I continue to explain: "and so the Barbies goes in the green box, and the cars goes in the transparent box, the animals in the box on the bookshelf..." Then I suddenly hear Paula Abdul singing "I take one step forward, you take two steps back"....Oh dear. While I was preparing dinner, hubby was getting rid of the temporary playground that the kids had parked in the living room (note, after me organizing). So the stuff had been stuck in whatever box with free space in it... Come to think of it, have you ever heard of a company where budgeting was done in one day? To be successful and have a good view of what is to come in the following year, companies usually involve the whole organization in annual budgeting. My mistake today was that I didn't.

Tomorrow is another (sunny) day. Hence, we will stay outside and leave the mess for another rainy day...maybe then involving the whole bunch. Just maybe. Because just as in budgeting, it is awfully much faster, and you save yourself from a great deal of fuzz, when only one person takes care of the task. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Una visión bipolar sobre el tema de educación

Cuando estuve en Chile en febrero y pasé por el Campus San Joaquín diariamente, quedé pensando en la explosión de carreras universitarias y de institutos profesionales que se estaba ofreciendo en Santiago. Las carreteras parecian empaquetadas en comerciales de cualquier tipo de titulo profesional, estudios nocturnos, carreras universitarias. Mi primera reacción era: que bueno que el país está dando el salto a ser una economía basada en la educación. Mi segunda; el país está realmente preparado para recibir toda esta gente con titulo universitaria?

En Finlandia hay dos temas que tiene que ver con la educacion que aparecen frecuentemente en las noticias. Primero, los politicos y analistas gubernamentales están muy preocupados de como hacer que los jovenes entren el mercado laboral mas rápidamente que es el costumbre actualmente. Somos un pueblo envejeciendo, los babyboomers que nacieron despues de la guerra se están jubilando y sus vástagos no dan abasto para todo el trabajo que ellos tan amablemente nos están dejando. Ni hablar de como financiar un sistema de jubilación con menos gente trabajando. El tema de jubilación podría ser el tema de mi blog hoy, pero no es. Me dedico a los jovenes.

Hoy en día los jovenes que han terminado su enseñanza media toma su tiempo en decidirse que quieren ser cuando sean grandes. Algunos viajan por el mundo, otros toman un trabajo en Finlandia o como cuidador infantil (au pair, basicamente trabajo de nana) en algun país europeo, otros trabajan en Disneyland en Paris. Eso, para tomar distancia y despues volver y saber exactamente cual es el oficio que les van a llenar con alegria el resto de la vida. Otros toman un año (o dos) para prepararse para los examenes de entrar a la universidad (especialmente los que eligen medicina o leyes tienen pruebas bastante exigentes para poder entrar) y otros solamente quedan pensando, con suerte trabajando en algun supermercado mientras piensan. Una vez que están a dentro del sistema universitario, las reflecciones de que hacer con la vida no termina allí. Los estudiantes universitarios toman su tiempo en terminar los estudios, involucrados en las organisaciones estudiantiles, festejando, trabajando de mediotiempo y también cambiando carrera cuando se dan cuenta que lo elegido realmente no es lo que interesa hacer el resto de la vida.

Parece que la prensa es medio escizofrénica acá. Porque el otro tema que se debate entre los expertos y periodistas es que el desempleo académico es preocupadamente alto. Así que despues de reflecciones duras y estudios esforzados, los recien egresados se enfrentan con el problema de encontrar trabajo. Y como se soluciona ese problema? Obviamente con mas educación. La cantidad de personas inscrita para doctorados es altisima, aunque el mercado laboral no está pidiendo mas doctores. Se está pidiendo enfermeras y plomeros - no doctores de lenguas o doctores de filosofia.

Como hemos llegado a este punto? Bueno, nuestro pueblo está altamente educada. La educacion primaria es tan igualitario que un sistema puede ser; gratuito, estatal (los niños entran al colegio en base del distrito donde viven), y admeas con apoyo adicional para niños con problemas de aprendizaje. La entrada a las universidades, todas estatales, está basado en notas de la enseñanza media combinado con examenes de entrar a cada carrera universitaria. A los estudiantes se pagan un apoyo estatal por estar estudiando (maximo 55 meses). Generalizando se puede decir que nuestro sistema no depende de si tienes dinero o no, depende de tu interes, tu esfuerzo y tu habilidad de aprender.

Y el resultado es entonces, un pueblo altamente educado con poca interes de hacer el trabajo duro que se necesita para hacer un país funcionar. Pero se puede decir que el sistema está teoreticamente diseñado en la manera que todos los talentos tienen la posibilidad de etablecerse en el puesto adecuado. Ni apellido, ni pitutos (en teoria...), ni dinero defina el destino de los jovenes finlandeses. Ese destino lo definan los jovenes mismos.

Ahora, volviendo a Chile. En febrero no era posible evitar el fuerte marketing de cualquier universidad, instituto laboral, o curso vespertino. Mientras ahora en julio es imposible no darse cuenta que hay algo que les moleste a los jovenes estudiantes del país. Escizofrenico también, uno podría pensar, y en la manera que los políticos y algunos los medios de comunicación están enfrentando el tema parece que es exactamente lo que piensan, es decir; "jovenes, estén felices, tienen acceso a educación, que más quieren?" Bueno, yo entiendo los estudiantes mas que bien. Quien quiere pagar millones en una educacion que despues no garantiza trabajo? Se ha dejado crecer la cantidad de universidades privadas en la manera que despues un titulo universitario tiene poca valor. Y aun menos si la universidad no es de renombre. Es decir, primero gastas una fortuna en un titulo universitario, para despues darte cuenta que lo que realmente decide tu destino es tu apellido y tus pitutos.

No, denle nomas estudiantes! Hagan su protesta! Defiendan su derecho a una educación justa y de alta calidad! Pero acuerdense, si quieren un sistema gratuito, no es la cantidad que cuenta, sino la calidad. De repente el marketing del verano será  mas enfocado en bebidas resfrescantes que en carreras universitarias en el futuro...porque quien necesita hacer marketing cuando los candidatos interesados mas que sobran. Pero para llegar a ese punto, creo que se necesita invitar el estado a un par de coctél molotov más, con la contraoferta de una buena cantidad de gases lagrímogenos, cortesía del estado.

Tocando el tema de las confrontaciones de protestas quiero aun recomendar un reportaje argentino sobre la situación actual en Chile. Este analísis me ha entregado mas informacion que cualquier medio de comunicacion chileno ha logrado hacer hasta este momento. Confieso que desde aqui tengo problemas de saber que está realmente pasando. Los medios de comunicacion chilenos son tan blanco y negro. Encuentro el analisis argentino muy correcto; los imagenes se enfoca en la violencia para no tener que darle cancha al problema real - algo que tambien yo he tratado en un tema anterior aqui en el blog.

Eso nomas. La patiperra ha hablado. En español, después de mucho tiempo.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mala conciencia...

...por no estar escribiendo en español. Estoy desarrollando temas interesantes para mi público hispanoparlante. Se viene, se viene.... dame un par de días más de reflecciones... Saludos del verano normalizado: lluvia, lluvia y lluvia. Pero lluvia resfrescante. Y igual salimos al parque hoy - a saltar en los posos de agua. Clarificación: los niños saltaron, los padres miraron. Ya ahora les dejo, sino esto se convierte en un posting de verdad y para eso necesito mas ingredientes de mis pensamientos. Vuelvo en seguida!

Friday, July 15, 2011


I have to confess. I have been to the birthday store (the one with the princess theme, and all other kind of themes as well)...I was there for almost an hour, trying to make wise choices regarding paper for the invitations, decorations etc.... While I was standing there trying to wisely select a pen to write with, and a stamp to stamp with I suddenly realized that I am turning into birthdayzilla! What is this? I want the focus of my daughters birthday party to be on the experience not the material and I realize that this is actually harder than to just organize a typical birthday party (where you buy the stuff premade and voila - your kid has the best birthday party ever). Is it really worth it? I mean, the kids will entertain themselves just as well, with or without the stuff. Its only that I had thought it would be the other way around - by having a homemade party the focus would be on the actual party, not the things. I now realize that the focus is precisely on the things when I try to avoid them. Because I have to do an awfully lot more to still give the girl what she wants, although not prefabricated. Will I give in and go for the disposables? Well, stay tune and you'll find out.

PD: I respect all kind of choices for children's birthday party - both premade and homemade! Just to make my point clear to all my sister's out there, dealing with the same birthday questions as me.

Lev enklare...konsumera mindre...

Jag har ögnat igenom Gisela Lindes bok "Lev enklare". Hon presenterar idéer som jag länge gått omkring och tänkt på. Hon sätter orden i min mun i många avseenden. Nu har jag då bestämt mig för att leva lite enklare. Prioritera, alltid tänka på vad som är värdefullt för mig och skippa all stess i vårt konsumtionssamhälle. Enkelt när man är hemmamamma - men hur är det när man ska göra annat än bara prioritera hemmet? För jag har ju inte gjort livet precis enklare med mitt val att skala bort sockret, mjölet, det röda köttet (största delen av det) och stor del av mjölkprodukterna ur vår vardagsdiet. Bättre, ja. Enklare, nej. Inte ännu i alla fall. Och frågan är om den råsmarta dieten håller när andra element än barnaskötsel ingår i min vardag. Jag hoppas det - för livet är på riktigt enklare med fyra balanserade familjemedlemmar än med explosiva sockerjunkies. Men är rädd att det blir svårt. Dagens saldo är ändå positivt; Hubben gjorde en lyckad smoothie i min frånvaro (i vår familj är en smoothieblandning lyckad om G dricker två glas och A sväper i sig ett utan att protestera). Dessutom åt A grönsallad (!) med god aptit, tillsammans med en stor portion lax, quinoa och broccoli till middag. Egentligen är ju inte lax med quinoa alls något svårare än makaronilåda eller korvsoppa. Tvärtom, det är himmelens enkelt. Och hur fick jag henne att äta sallad? Jag tog med henne ut på balkongen för att klippa sallat från vår krukodling. Det tyckte hon att var så häftigt att hon stod och hoppade jämfota av iver att få smaka medan jag tillrädde salladen.

Vad gjorde jag då medan hubben  mixade sitt livs första råsmarta smoothie? Jag var ute och åt med en kompis och passade på att köpa en del saker som jag haft på min inköpslista en längre tid. Problemet med min inköpsllista är att den varit färgat av Gisela Lindes budskap om ett enklare liv. Jag har bestämt mig för att inte vara slav under konsumtionen och först försöka hitta begagnat, istället för att rusa iväg till Stocka och handla nytt. Enklare? Pyttsan säger jag. Mindre prylar? Pyttsan nummer två. Efter att ha plöjt igenom ett antal loppisar på Åland och ännu fler i Helsingfors har jag använt mycket tid till att söka det jag behöver utan framgång och istället samlat på mig en massa grejer jag egentligen inte behöver. Visst var den svarta halterneck klänningen som jag hade på kompisen bröllop fin men jag skulle lika bra ha kunna använda någon av mina gamla klänningar som jag dessutom ryms in i igen efter att två graviditeters kilon äntligen försvunnit. Dessutom blev jag tvunget att köpa en ny bh till klänningen, en bh som var dubbelt så dyr som själva klänningen. Och visst var idén om en fin rosa linneklänning till sommarfesterna också bra. Men vilka sommarfester? De senaste dagarna har det varit kallt och ruggigt, inte plats för en halvgenomskinlig linneklänning till morgondagens Ekenäs-utflykt. Dessutom blev jag ju tvungen att köpa ett underlinne till linneklänningen, pga det tunna tyget. Linnet kostade igen dubbelt så mycket som klänningen...Men den svarta sommarjackan som jag fyndade i Sandviken i lördags kom väl till pass idag då jag skulle in till stan (för att shoppa linne till den rosa klänningen). Jag har ännu inte bestämt mig för vad jag ska göra med glasburksfynden som jag gjorde på Emmaus i Mariehamn, för tillfället tar de mest bara utrymme. Däremot har all krukor och antika trähinksfynd varit utmärkta för den gröna oasen på balkongen. Och nu kan G äntligen gå ordentligt när det regnar, för jag har hittat ett par nästan oanvända gummistövlar i hans storlek...

Nej, jag får nog jobba på det där ha-begäret för att ersätta det med ett behovsbegär. Inte blir ju livet precis enklare av att man stressar sig igenom alla stans lopptorg för att hitta det man verkligen behöver. Och det tror jag nog inte heller att Linde menade då hon presenterade sina idéer om oss individer som shoppande konsumenter. Nej, jag får nog ta en djupläsningssession av boken snart, för att hitta det rätta greppet om det enkla livet.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The birth of a football star

The South America blood in my son's veins always kicks in when he see's a round ball of any kind. He screams "Bolo, Bolo" and then he runs after the ball, doesn't matter if it is a floorball or a football, the football gene is activated in any case.

As Helsinki Football Cup is going on right now, it hit me today that I should enjoy the next 5 summers. Because I bet I will be standing by the field for the next 5-10 years after that, cheering on my own little player (or maybe even two players if the princess gets her mind of the ballet and out on the field when she starts school). But before that, we need to sort out the difference between football (soccer) and rugby (or American football) to our son.

Today G  got to play with the big boys (3 year olds) in our playground. The guys were having a blast until G decided that the ball should be in his hands all the time. He set out to run from the big boys while they attacked him from behind. Touchdown! Such action. Haven't seen it since my high school year at the Friday  (American) Football game in B'ham.  G responded of course in his typical way when he gets upset. He threw himself on the ground and put on a "heartbreaking" scene of cries and tears. You see, he is not only fanatic of the football, he also knows how to fake a fault. I say we are dealing with the next big Finnish football star here. As said, as long as he understands that in Finnish football you kick the ball, you do not run away with it, especially not with a bunch of big guys behind you.

As my biggest fear for A is that once we let her start ballet classes she eventually will turn into a Black Swan, I might as well start worrying about the decadence of Maradona in the case of G. My own inherited worrying gene will keep me sleepless until the kids hit their 30's (or even later). And by that time my hormones will make sure I keep sleepless for the rest of my life. Once again, I ask myself why I am still voluntarily awake, when I have the possibility to sleep all through the night with no worries!

The bike

It will be red. It will be Helkama. And we will put the winning bid on Monday. When hubby and I agree instantly on something, then we know it is right. We did that with the bike option. So long pink Japanese cat...welcome traditional Finnish style of a bike. A real bike - no dream bike here. And she will be happy, although the color is red (because she will never know the options).

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In search of the perfect bike

Our daughter has become a master of balance on her balancing bike (like a bicycle but without the pedals, so she "runs" instead of pedaling; supposedly a better way of learning how to bike than the support wheels, as the child learns how to balance before pedaling). This means that we have decided to give her a real bicycle for her birthday in a couple of weeks. I am working hard to get hubby to understand that a used bike is just as good as a new bike. He is still very hesitant. The tricycle that she received when she turned two was new. I can almost count on my fingers how many times she used it. And I am 100% certain that she would never have noticed the difference between a slightly used or a new bike, especially not at the age of two. Also, G will inherit her old bike. In the name of fairness, isn't it better that both kids get used stuff, not only the younger one? (...who by the way already is drewling over the tricycle in the bike storage, he just needs a couple of centimeters more to take off).

Well, so hubby has agreed that if we find a bike that looks as good as new, he'll give his goahead on the used one. So here I am, surfing all's offerings. I am struck by the complete lack of unisex bikes for this age. It is so crazy, bikes are designed so that parents have to go and buy a new bike for the younger child, if the child is of different sex than the first one. Talk about designed obsolence....The best option so far is a red "Tunturi Princess", with the text "princess" printed on the plastics protecting the chains (same style as the tricycle - which we by the way bought because it was neutral in color, and did not have any referrings to princess, two year olds are not in the princess stage yet - supposedly).  On the other hand, as we are going for second hand, I might as well let go of my principles and let the girl have the girliest of the girliest bikes. It would make her day, week, even month. We can always sell it after a year and get a macho-bike for G when it is his turn. There is a very PINK Hello Kitty bike in excellent condition out there. First one to appear on the list. Only thing I have to do is press "buy". But no, something inside of me says I can't. Having a Hello Kitty set of beach toys is still ok, but a bike... no, that is too much for this mother to cope with. I continue the search for the perfect bike!

Or what do you have to say about this? Buy or not buy?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Råsmart mamma med mumsig mjukglass

Så har jag då hittat en själsfrände i Sverige: Elin som bloggar om hennes råsmarta vardag (Matsmart Mamma). Hennes blogg har redan gett mig inspiration till nya maträtter och speciellt tro på att det är möjligt att genomföra ett sockerfritt kalas. A vill ha godis... Som tur är har Matsmarta Elin några tips om hur man gör egna chokladtryffel utan tillsatt socker, i söta små pranilformer!

Glassen hon tipsar om låter alldeles förträfflig. Den ska vi pröva bara jag kommer ihåg att köpa hem mangokuber. Jag lämnar bort agavesirapen eftersom jag inte ännu heller hittat den. Däremot kan jag nuförtiden stoltsera med att vara Stevia-odlare. Hittade Stevia-plantor när jag var och handlade nya örter till balkongen. I Husis igår intervjuades en expert som tyckte att människor lugnt kan förtära aspartam men hon var alldeles upprörd över hur i allsindar folk fått för sig att de vill äta Stevia - Stevia är ju inte accepterat av EU, och många växter KAN faktiskt vara JÄTTE giftiga. Det konstiga var att artikeln handlade om aspartam, inte ett ord om Stevia. Men experten fick för sig att hellre uttala sig om natrliga stevia än om konstgjorda aspartam. Plantan på balkongen är tillsvidare endast en planta - jag har inte tänkt förtära den innan jag satt mig in i vad hela Stevia-EU-expert-debatten går ut på. Men tills dess, här är den matsmarta mjukglassen som jag suktar efter....

  • 300 g fryst mango
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 msk linfröolja
  • 3 msk proteinpulver (naturell eller vanilj)
  • en gnutta äkta vaniljpulver
  • lite agavesirap

Limbo mode

I am still in a limbo mode. Not here nor there. Definatelly not thinking about what to blogg about next. I guess that is healthy. Or is it... The truth is that I am too stuck on the revealing stories on sugar addictions and the affects of chemicals on our longterm health (Just saw the movie "Submission - in the defense of the unborn"). And, since I have already distinguished myself as a complete FREAK during all past social gatherings (not to forget the heavy debating taking place during the Midsummer dinner...and the Midsummer boat trip.... and the Midsummer cottage trip - my brother and I have always been good at debating, I'll give him a tiny bit of credit for my national debating champion title back in 1996, but hey bro if you read this: note the word TINY), my brain is really working high speed to get back on track of normality.

So here is the conversation I have with myself regarding blogging: Patiperra should really dedicate her time to writing about her surroundings, easy going reading - like what I did while touristing in Chile. No, wait a minute, there is just so much out in the news these days on sugar, bread consumption, changing lunch habits and the fear of  Asparthame that I simply cannot be writing light blog postings while googling and youtubing the heavy stuff. Then I usually end upp saying to myself: Hey, please get a life and start thinking about real day-to-day issues! Good thing this limbo mode is soon coming to an end. I can't wait starting the daycare training with G. Being a blogging housewife forever is just not my thingy.

So today this housewife has distinguished herself as the housewife she currently is: Restored the green herbal oasis on our balcony, cleaned stroller, cleaned bicycle wagon, cleaned freezer, prebooked ecological strawberry picking in the countryside tomorrow, investigating all my books on wise-choice recipies (especially breakfast to oatmeal porridge protesting kids). Oh yes, I can boogey - boogey the household!

By the way, my sudden idea to clean the stroller originates from Stockholm. The city was filled with trendy, CLEAN Bugaboo strollers. Our own four year old stroller (which luckily, and exceptionally, was not with us in Stockholm) started feeling very very worn down and filthy after seing all the top notch buggies. Hence, I promised myself to get it cleaned when back home. After cleaning it today I just came to the conclusion that those "latte-mothers" in Sweden must be using their trendy strollers only for Sunday strolls. They must have a second hand worn down stroller for the hardcore usage during the week... or then they just drive the car during the week... Because there is no cloth, water or detergent in this world that can make our beautiful stroller shine like those Swedish strollers. No matter how maney hockey games we win, the grass just always ends up so much greener on the other side of the Baltic (irony). But then again, what Bugaboo in this world has been true the same adventures as ours? Few I believe. It better consider itself lucky, our Patiperro Bugaboo.

Oh, and by the way, I learned how to adjust the break today. After four years of keeping the buggy steady on the bus floor with my arm (you should see my arm muscles!), I finally learned how the damn break can be adjusted. About time.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Underbart sommarprat

Det säger Underbara Clara i sitt sommarprat. Hon pratar om sin generations ideal, om femtiotalskvinnor och unga flickor som ska lära sig tränga in sin kropp i för trånga och våta jeans. Jag har aldrig köpt för småa jeans, men nog ytterst spända som snabbt blivit för små - bara för den där fina rumpans skull. Sånt gör jag inte mera... Hon talar också om hur hon inte går med på att följa sådant strunt om hur att stoppa en strumpa plötsligt kan ge ny sätts tillfredsställelse.

Hon pratar också om mormorskunskap som håller på att gå förlorad. Jag har tänkt på det där. Hur ledsen jag är att min egen mommo aldrig han lära mig göra hennes utsökt goda jordgubbssylt, eller hennes världsbästa kanelbullar. Eller fammo som inte hann lära mig göra dillkött (som jag istället fått lära mig genom en kokbok - bara för att uppleva den där känslan av fammos dillkött igen). Dillkött! Av alla rätter att jag ska sukta efter dillkött! Men det är ju bara så gott, i alla fall på farmors vis. Mommo var dessutom en mästare på makramé och lampskärmar. Fammo stickade fina strumpor. För att inte tala om hennes kunskaper i att mangla och vika lakan och gammaldags kökshanddukar. Oj så jag skulle vilja kunna det! Så varför hann jag aldrig lära mig allt det där innan det var för sent? Jo, för att jag var inte det minsta intresserad. Inte det minsta. Jag skulle ALDRIG binda mig vid spisen, jag skulle erövra världen. Men vad om att erövra världen handlar om att bevara den? Att gå tillbaka till rötterna och leva enklare och skippa konsumtionssamhällets stressideal? Ja då skulle nog både mommos och fammos kärnkompetens varit nyttig. Som tur kan ju både mamma och pappa en hel del av mommos och fammos finesser, så en del har jag nog redan lärt mig. Och sen har vi ju då Marthorna - guldgruva för gamla hemligheter!

Nu går största delen av min lediga tid till att sitta vid denna manick. Istället för att binda mig vid spisen har jag förbundit mig till ett liv online. Tror inte det heller är så smart i längden, så snart blir det nog en liten remont på den punkten.

Men lyssna ni på Underbara Claras sommarprat. Det är ganska uppfriskande.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Patiperra reports back

I've decided to do a picture collage from my times of silence here on the blog. Well half-silent at least. I managed to stay away from my blog but was not able to shut off facebooking while out and about. Still, half way and almost proud of myself. At least I am utterly proud of my achivement to go to bet at 10 p.m. during vacations. Add to that that the kids went Central European time during our four days in Sweden, which meant that they since then have been sleeping until 9 a.m. (!!!!!!) almost every morning. I will enjoy for as long as it lasts! But anyhow, I promised pics and so pics it is:

Midsummer on Åland, as good as it gets! Sun is shining and living is easy.

Patiperros chicos, vagabunding the lake of Mälaren in Stockholm.

We took a stroll with the older Chilean generation before heading south....

Castle of Nynäs...just happened to appear at a very convenient moment. Traveling with kids that are awake is not such good idea if they do not have anything else on their mind than to drive each other and their parents mad. So Nynäs castle was like hitting the jackpot.

Based on the size of the parking lot, you would think we did all that driving only to go to Ikea... But no, we Finns do not have to do such crazy day trips anymore as Mr Kamprad was so kind and built a couple of shopping havens on the other side of the Baltic just for us.... so this humangous parking space is nothing else than...
The tourist haven on the East Coast: the Kolmården Zoo, biggest in the North. And honestly, if animals are to be locked up in zoos, the area should be big. And Kolmården is the best one seen so far (after having educated our kid(s) with the following zoos already: Berlin, Buin, Helsinki, Barcelona).
 It used to be possible to do a safari by car in Kolmården. That is how I experienced it, some 30 years ago. This year they inaugurated the gondola. So you see the wildlife up from the air, without having to be worried about driving, cars or open windows. Excellent!

 Wildlife in its true meaning. The lions had their cozy moment when we passed by!
Back on the ground we met the monkeys. And the wheather was hot!

From the Children's museum Junibacken (mostly Astrid Lindren stories) in Stockholm. This is where my wishes regarding princesses come true. Because this is a princess with balls and far from what Disney what to serve our little girls (and boys). Do I have to say that this is the kind of princess that I admire?

 The Wasa Ship. Or more precisely; what it could have been. If only the ship builders had been smart enough to design a ship that floated... It sunk back in the 17th century, only 20 minutes after being set in the water. Impressive that they managed to get the ship out of the water some three centuties later, all in one piece. I have no good pics of the real ship, as all of the turned out too dark to be posted here. The museum has grown a lot since I last visited it back in 1999.
I wonder if my dad was a king in a previous life? 

I tried to get a picture of hubby and G in a ride on Gröna Lund... the ride was too fast and the camera too slow and A screaming for icecream right next to me. The excuses are many so I do not have to admit to being a lousy photographer! (the blue jeans shirt is actually hubby, I still caught him on the picture!)

We did some grilling on Åland when back from Sweden.